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bi»rvę (O *» the cum of diWatłoila due W + F, Fig. 67. .
Curvę 12) is the cairye of <foviatłons duc to - c rod. Fig. 82.
Curve (1) is the cotabinatloh of (1) ind (2) and is the cufve of dAiatioM due to CoefBcient 4* B%
Curve (4ft is the curve of deviathns due to -f- Q. Fig. 69. wocmelly fto other causa of deviatioa eaists to produce a sirailar curve eo thie is the curve of devia-tfeom due tt> CooflRcIem 4- C.
Curve (5) is the dirve of deylatftons due to — a rod. Fig. 77.
Curve (6) is the curve of deviations due to — e rod. Fig. 79. .
Curve (7) is the oomfcinataon of (5) and (6) end is the curve of deviatkms due te Coefficlent + u.