

WOtn* 269*2

P used, it may be hoflow, provlded thot the diameter of tbe hole doaa not exceed 40 % of the (iameler H B bar

Wten binnacles are vertical, the magnetic pole of the device Shell la in the same horizontal płarws es the centres of the magneta of the dlrectional system. When a Flinders' bar m used, te magnefrc pola I be taken at 1/12 of its length from the end.

The distance between the vertical axis of a Flinders' bar from the centra of the card shall be at least 3,5 Urnea the length of the magnetic needles. Attachment of correcting devices

Provision shall be madę for all correcting devices to be satisfactorily secured after adjustment.

5.2.3    Accuracy of fore-and-aft marks

In order that the mounting may be undertaken accurately, fore-and-aft marks shall be provided and these shaN be within 0,5° (1,0° in Ciass B) of the fore-and-aft axis of the gimbal bearings.

5.2.4    llhimination

The binnacle shall contain adequate provision for illuminating the card by the ship's electric supply and from an emergency light source. In projector and reflector binnacles, these shall provide a dear image at ihe helmsman's position. A device shall be provided for dimming the electric light from the ship*s mains.

The electric lamps, fitting and wiring shall have no influence on the directional system.

5.2.5    Other requirements (class A only)

Binnacles shall satisfy the following tests spedfied in IEC 60945 (Ed.4,2001-02).

(1)    damp heat

(2)    yibration

6 Azimuth reading devices (class A, and if fitted in class B)

There shall be an appropriate azimuth reading device for the bearing compass. A1 and A 2 binnacle may be supplied with a suitable pelorus which may be fitted away from the binnade.

6.1    Azimuth sight

The field of vision shall be at least 5° on each side of the linę of sight and it shall be possibte to take azimuths of celestial bodies and bearings of distant objects whose altitudes are between 5° betów and 60° (10* in dass B) above the horizontal.

The required accuracy of the azimuth shall be fułfiiled with the group of azimuth reading devices described in Annex C in the altitude rangę of 5° above to 50° above.

6.2    Azimuth reading devices with vanes

It shall be possibłe to take bearings of distant objects whose altitudes are between 5* below and 30* above the horizontal.


O ISO 2006 Al rights reserved


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