

BHf |H of the dmectional system with regard fo the vertKal field (class A only)

jk (teactionai system stal be so constnjded, or baianced łn $uch a way, fhaf it does not indne moro IM |p ten tte horizontal piane when the vertical flux density is zero. The indnobon shaff not chOHQ§ I than 3* siteM the vect>cal Hux density changes 100 pT.

ilS Snpportmg lorce (class A ooiy)

The tace eserted on the proof bearing, m the fcjuid used, by the directional system shetl be betmen 0,04 N and 0.1 N rohen the cant dameter is 165 mm or less, and shall be between 0,04 N and 0,14 N when the cmd ijuntnr is teager than 165 mm.

4.4 Compass card

4A1 Graduation

The compass card shafl be graduated in 360 single degrees, starting from North in the dockwise direction as wewed from above. Each tenth degree shoukJ be marked with the three corresponding numbers. North $houtd aiso be indlcated by 000°. The Cardinal points shall be indicated by the Capital letters N, S, E and W, the ■aermedate points may afeo be marked. Aftemativefy, the North point may be indicated by a suitable symbol.

The card shal be numbered as grven in Tabłe 3.

Table 3 — Graduation of the card

Mag netic compass es

equal interval ofthe graduation


Class A


every 10° j

Class B

not morę than 5° I

every 30° I

Where the compass card is printed on both sides, the graduations shall coincide with a tolerance of 0,2°. 4A2 Dłameter of the cards

The diameter of the compass card for binnacles ofthe following types are as given in Table 4.

NOTĘ 1 Binnade types A1 (cf. dause 5.1) is defined as the height of the binnacle is not less than 1m. If the height of the bnnades is less than 1 m, it is called binnade A2 (cf. clause 5.2).

6 © ISO 2006 — A// rights reeervecf


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