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The file(s) contamg the update shoufd be saved in a directory that is accessible from the Computer running ADP. Sełect the file by typmg the path and filename into the text box or by pressing the button to the right of the box and browsing to the file, When you have selected the Jocation from which to import the data simply dick the ‘Nexf button to import the file and the update will commence. The Data Updating Wizard will display a screen allowing you to monitor update progress.

update* receiyed via omaii cen aiso be opened by simpły double-ciicking on the attachment This wtfl autom/itiailly stan the Data Updating Wizard. If you have reąuested a lot ot data you may receive in moro than one orrnui. each with an attachment. You should import ail the attachments; the order of importmg ni not irnportant

Chapter 8

How to install and update the Admiralty Vector Chart Service (AVCS)

This guide te designed to help you to load and maintain your AVCS data easiiy and quickly. It descnbes the basie steps neoessary to use AVCS in any ECDIS. However. each ECDIS manutacturer has imptemented the ENC import module differentty. Users who ara experienced in operating a particular model ot ECDłS may require additional supporting intormation when managing AVCS ENCs on ECDIS equipment that they ara lass familiar \v«th. For detailed instałlatłon instructions and troubteshooting intormation. saa the AVCS User Guide and your ECDIS User Guide (supplied by the manutacturer) A copy ot the AVCS User Guide te supplied with the AVCS Start-Up Pack and a digital copy can be downloaded from the UKHO website http.//www. ukho.gov.uk/AVCS

Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs)

AVCS te comprtaed entirely of Electronic Nav»gational Charts (ENCs) produced by Government Hydrographic Oflices. ft te designed to ba uaad In confunctton with a typa approvad ECDIS to provido a pnmary nawtgaHon tool that meets the requiremonts of SOLAS Chapter V. ENCs containod withln the Admiralty Vector Chart Sarvtoa (AVCS) ara produoad and dtetrfbutad according to woll-dofined International standards.

Detaits of the ENCs awuiabie in AVCS. indudng the* coyęrage. te twailnble in the Admiralty Digital Catatogua. which can ba downloaded from www.ukhagov.uk/catolo91a and in Admiralty a-Navtgator Ptanmng Sta bon

Getting Started

Mbur Admiralty Chart Agent wfl protede you with the Motteng małariate when you aubacrtba to AVCS tor the tost timo:

AVCS Start-Up Pack

•    AVCS Ou»ck Start Guide.

•    AVCS User Guide;

•    AVCS Baca Otecs (a set of COs or a DVD labeSed Basa ),

•    AVC8 Update D«tc (a CO labaaad Updatey,

   Admiralty Utftoaa CO (not foqutied 0 ustng Admiralty o Navłgator Plannfng StaUon);

•    Admiralty Intormaaon Oyęrtąy CO;

•    Admiralty Digital Data Sentoes End Uaar Uoanoa Agraamant (EULA).

AVCS Lłcanca

TMa may ba suppiad nteh the AVCS Sktn-up Pack on hard media. a.g. floppy. CO. etc. or •aparafeaiy In an email The Mtef aoanoa pack wi coniałn the Mtowtng:

•    A "Schaduta A*, (anoapt when usmg Admiralty o-Navigator Planning Staffon) this is a PDF documara toteng toe Foios and ENC Unii that the usar m fcoansad to usa. It aiso lista the 'Home CO* wnar# ha losnaad ENCs ara hałd Thte te particulady usaful aa N pravantunnscaiaary loadtop of thosa COs that do not contain any koaneed ENCs.

•    A aaiof ENC fterms «m (PERMfTTXT and ENC PMT) tortach EC0I8 IrwtaMatton.

   An AVCS CafllAcafte (a PDF documant showtog your vmmI and Hoanca dataSs).



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