

Essenti a i W o odcar yinc T k t h niq u e s

Essenti a i W o odcar yinc T k t h niq u e s

FlG 12.9 Skuli (female) top view.

FlG 12.10 A head roughed out in pine without thought of the skuli.

Fig 12.11 Top view of the same headfinished (left) compared with a morÄ™ accurate head in walnut.

hairlinc should be earved in with a deep gougc, not stabbed in. This allows for it to be moved morÄ™ easily. To concinue with the setting-in of the face it is sensiblc to cuc a piane from tho side of the nose down co the point of the chin, back co the angle of the jaw and up as far as the cheekbone. Abovc the cheekbones the temples can be cur in as planes sloping up and back towards the hairline (Fig 12.15).

Starting thf. Eyeball

A common error when starting the face is to carve grooves under che eyebrows (Fig 12.16). The result is co make the eyes very deep set and corpse-like. The eye is essentially a bali. On most people, too, the brow has a round, fleshy form which orerhangs, sometimes obscuring, the top eyelid towards the outside corner. The simplest way co start is to make a deep hollow with a deep gouge (a No. 11 is best) on either side of the nose to create che bridgc. This hollow is deep on an adult (Fig 12.17). In order chat we may see out of the corner of the eye our eyes are set with the outside corncrs further back than the insidc corners. It is

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