


Fig 13.12 Essays in stylization.

followed too closely the woodcarving may cnd up looking like clay. Furthermore, carving involves che carvcrs response ro the wood and to shapes that arise as he works in towards the finaÅ‚ piece. Some shapes may be morÄ™ promising than those hc madÄ™ in the maquette. A maquettc should help to organize the shape so that it works well in thrce dimensions, and in this case it also means getting a good top view. It hclps with roughing out the wood and gives opportunities to work out details that would be difficult to express in a drawing (Fig 13.14).

Choice of Wood

For this piece I needed a wood that was particularly strong as the arms and the child s body are long with some weight being takcn on thin scctions. The design was laid on the wood with the



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