


FIG 13.6 Odalisąue (holly), Dick Onians, showing its linear naturę.

I have found that, if you fix on one impression and hołd ii while carving, che strength or weight, for example, will come out in the carving. As in a cartoon or caricature thcrc are signposts chat one can use. In the case of stylization you are less likely to use facial expression (although this is possible), but posturę (body language) should convey the idea by using volume and mass, with or without linę. The swelling of muscles, the bending of legs and arms, lengrhs of limbs, torso and ncck can all be exaggcrated one way or another to contribute to the effect. Certain lines suggest life, othcrs lifelessness (Fig 13.10).

FlG 13.7 Lines suggesting types of movement.

FlG 13.9 How do you see this - strength pushing up, or weights pushing down'

FlG 13.10 The two lines on the lejt suggest life. The others suggest lifelessness. They are wiking or collapsing.



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