


Fig 7.4 The grouttd leuel bas been sawn down at the sides and ends and a narrow, straight-edged cbisel is carving a channel along saw cuts which are used as a guide. NotÄ™ the sawcut in the forcground.

Another mistake somctimes madÄ™ is to assumc chat all lines drawn are cut against vcrtically. If saw curs were madc along the lines of the ridges that appear in FigurÄ™ 7.5 the design would need to be drastically altered.

The Logic of Perspective

If you take a sheec of card and curl it as in FigurÄ™ 7.7 and then stand it on end you will obscrve how the parts that are ncarest to you appear lower down. This is a rule that usually obtains with linenfold, although therc are plcnty of examples where the carvers sense of design has got the better of his sense of per$pective {see Fig 7.3).

In the vcry stylized sixteenth-cenmry and early sevenreenrh-century designs {see Fig 7.2), where the continuity of the materiaÅ‚ has been replaced by a simple series of vertical grooves and ridges, the top edge is carvcd into points and hollows but the bottom edge is often straighc. The older designs have a carved bottom edge but the logie of

FlG 7.5 A deep gouge caruing a deep fold. The saw cuts do not aliuays follow every linÄ™ drawn along the su>face.

FlG 7.6 A moulding piane used against a fence clamped on the wood to cut a hollow.

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