In the anatomical position the body is upright.

The arms are by the sides and the legs are parallel to each other. The face, the eyes, the palms of the hands and the feet are all directed forwards. The anatomical position is the basis of all descriptions of the position of structures in the body. For ex-ample, the head is above the abdomen, even when the patient is lying down.

Description may relate directly to the anatomical position, for example, the trunk is the central part of the body, the legs extend downwards.

Description may also be madę with reference to other structures. For example, the thorax is above the abdomen, the elbow is between the arm and forearm.

The following locative adjectives are commonly used in medical writing to describe situation

or place.

1)    right, left

2)    inner, outer

3)    upper, lower

4)    intemal, external

5)    superflcial, deep (nearer and farther ffom the surface of the body)

6)    proximal, distal (especially of limbs nearer and farther from the trunk)

7)    superior, inferior (higher and lower)

8)    anterior, posterior (nearer the front, nearer the back)

9)    ventral, dorsal (the front, the back)

10) cranial, caudal (toward the head, toward the lower part of the body)

11 )medial, lateral (nearer and farther from the midline)

For example, the head is superior to the trunk, the upper limbs are lateral to the trunk, the abdomen is inferior to the thorax and the hand is distal to the arm, the front surface of the body is the ventral surface, the back surface is the dorsal surface of the body.

EXERCISE A. Choose the appropriate locative adjective to complete the following sentences.

1.    The    eyes are..................to    the    nose.

2.    The    mouth is..................to the nose.

3.    The    thorax is .„...............to the abdomen.

4.    The    elbow is..................to the wrist.

5.    The navel is on the..................surface of the body.

6. The shoulder is toward the..............end of the body while the hip is toward the..............

end of the body.

7. The palm of the hand is on its..................surface.

8.    The knuckles are on the..................surface of the hand.

9.    The bones of the ankle are on..............and..............sides of the leg.

EXERCISE B. Practise this dialogue.

Doctor: Now, Fm going to examine you. Fd like you to lie down on the couch with your legs parallel to each other, stretched out in front of you. Put your arms by the sides. Try to

E. Donesch-Jeżo — English for Medical Students and Doctors — 1

Word List

■    anterior [ćenTaria] - przedni

■    ascend [a'send] - wstępować

•    caudal ['ko:dl] - doogonowy

•    comprisc [kaitfpraisj

-    zawierać, obejmować,

składać się

•    conlain [kan'tein]

-    zawierać, mieścić w sobie

•    couch [kautj] - leżanka

•    cranial ['kreinial]

-    czaszkowy, głowowy

•    desccnd [di'scnd]

-    zstępować, schodzić w dół

•    direct [di'rckt] - skierować;


•    distal ['distal] - dystalny,


•    dorsal [’do:sal] - grzbietowy

•    downwards ['daunwadz]

-    na/w dól, ku dołowi

•    exlend [ik'slend]

-    rozciągać się,

rozprzestrzeniać się

•    forwards [’fo:w3dz]

-    naprzód,

ku przodowi

•    inferior [urifiaria] — dolny,


•    lateral ['las tara 1] - boczny

•    mcdial ['mirdiol] - środkowy

•    palm [pa:m] - dłoń

•    parallel ['paerabl]

-    równoległy

•    pass [pa:s] - przejście;


•    posterior [po'stiaria] — tylny,

ku tyłowi

•    proximal ['proksimal]

-    proksymalny, bliższy

•    side [said] - strona, bok

•    structurc ['strAktJaj

-    struktura, budowa

•    superior [sju:'piaria]

-    górny, wyższy

•    surface ['ssrfis]

-    powierzchnia,

zewnętrzna strona

•    trachea ftra'ki3] - tchawica

•    upright ['Aprait] -•wyprostowany

•    vcntral ['vcntral] - brzuszny


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