

a b. Long a, Le. |a:|

Fig. 13. English (a:], tongue posilion    Fig. 14. Position of the lipg

§ 21. The English [a:] differs from Polish a in two respects. (1) It is morę back, morę guttural (the tongue is Iow, and its back part in particular is pulled to the back of the mouth cavity, with a large space left between the tongue and the roof of the mouth). As a result, Polish speakera tend to confuse it with Polish o. (2) It is much longer. The letter r, which together with a serves as a common spelling of this long vowel, is not pronounced, except when it becomes a linking [rj (see § 99). Thus in the following pairs [a:] is identical:

pass - parse khaki - car key vase - bare Other examples:

far, star, bar, jar, arm, farm, charm, harm, yam, bam, dani, tam, yard, hard, card, bard

Notę 1. Before voiceless consonants, [a:] is alightly shorter:

ark, bark, dark, lark, mark, park, carp. sharp, harp, art, part, start, scarf Notę 2. In longer words [a:] is somewhat shorter than in mono6yllabtc words:

part party    arm army    carp carpet    hard hardy    art artist

Notę 3. In contrast with the 'short’ [a], the ‘long’ [a:] is not ónly longer but also (1) deeper, morę guttural, and (2) morę ętjjen: ^

cut cart    cup carp    bud bard    luck lark    duck dark    fugs farce

Nule 4. As the above remarks imply, [a:] can have threc degrees of Inigth, as illustrated, from the shortest to the longest, in these sequences: rarler cart card hanreat heart hard party part bard

c. Exercise for the vowels [a] and [a:]

| 22. Apply the above observations. Remember that the letter r is not Bron ounced.

Words with [o:] and [a]:

p«n, far, farm, farmer, bar, bark, barber, basket, barn, car, carp, a tar, ataff, ałart, starter, mar, art, arch, archer, jar; fuas, auch, hunt, luck, trunk, fuaay, dunky, rush, pump, duck, aup, club, mud, ahiub

(lontrusting pairs with [a] and [a:].



hum harm





chum charm



Itu k


come calm





bun bam





done dam bud bard


hart, h


3. Short and long o

a. Short o, Le. [o]


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