1 N D E X
h>łiui! thiscl* '. 8. 9 flowcr design* 46-7, •)& 49-52 Umerom parting tools 7, fi Huters 12 foliagc
natura! leaves 65 caning tcchniqucs 65 choice of wood 65-6 holding che work 66 modelling 68-70 protccting che surfacc 72 sctting down che relief 66-8 shaping che groovcs 70 surfacc dctails 69-70 surfacc icsiure 71-2 cransfercing drawing co wood 60
undcccuccing 70-1 traditional 73 bara<|ue 76
carving ccchni<]ucs 77-9 classicism 77 gochic rcvival 77 gothic style* 73-5 Renaissancc 75 Rcstoration period 76 Viccorianism 77. 78 fuming
G clamps /$. 16 gadrooning 54. 55. 61-2. 63. 64
gęsio 54
Gibbonj. Grinling 76 gingko 33 gothic rcvivaJ Tl gothic styles 73-5 gouga 5.7 spccial uscs 11-13 grain 27. 29-32. 42. 120 grinding whcels 25-6 giouiuWo 12. 14 gymnospcrms 33
hardwood* 32-4 hcartwood 34,40. 109. 111 holding dcviccs 15-19 animal carvings 120-1 carving bowfs 112. 114 holly 34. 36. 37. Ni
human figuro anatomy armpit 130
bonestcuaucc 128.134 fcct 135.137 hands 136.13” head 131 middle body 135 muscks 128. 134-5 nctk 131. 134 ribcagc 129 shoulders 130-1 skclcton 130 ipinc 129 face 131-2 cars 133 cycball 132-3 jaw 133-4 mouth 133 nosc 133 wiitdpipc 133-4 life drawing 127 poses 128 propoccion 128-9
incised lectcring sec lettering intc cipciom 169-70 inside bcs-cls 21-5 iroko 2“. 31. 41. 163
jelutong 43. 53. I>0 jcc clamps 15. 18
Kent. William 77 khaya 31. 133. 136 kiln dcyjng 35-6 knot wood 31.38
hbuuiutn 36. 3'. 40. 41. 89 lamination 104-5. 106 larch 3*» lcavcs stc foliage lettering 156-7
acuteanglcs 16“
chasing 164. 169. 170 choice of wood 163 curved letters 165-“. 169 direction of che grain 164-5
Roman alphabct 15". 158-9. 160-3
inscription* 169-“0 serifs 16~. 168 spacing 160 stabhing \6v-8. I~0 straight letters 16". 169 strokes 160. 165 tools 15”. 160
transietring design* on to wood 163
life drawing 12"
Lightfoot. Lukę “6 lignin 35 lignum vitac 4l limę 27. 34. 3”-S. 40. 41.42. 45. “6. 89. 142. 164 Lincoln Cathcdral 74 linenfold S0 colour 8" choice of wood 81 end panem S4-6 finishes 8” perjpectivc $3-6 preparation 81-3 wood movcmcm SI linseed oil 42. "2. 116 long bend gouges ”. 12. 13 long pod chiscls
macaroni parcing tools ”, 8 machines 20
mahogany 31. J2. 45. 89. 154, 16S
mallcts 19 mapie 37. 39 maqu«t« 142-3. 144 medieval carsing “1. "3-5 Móbius band 151. 153. 155 moisturc content 35-" mouldings 53-6 cgg and dart 54. 57-S gadrooning 54. 55.61-2. 63. 64
pca moulding 53. >6-“ ribbon and stick 54. 58-60 sho: moulding 5.3. 56-' usc and applkation 62-3 water leaf 54. 60-1.62 mulberry 41
oak 29,
151. 164
American rod 104 obcchc 31.38.40 objects in the round animals utanimal carsings dented dtinks can 100.102-3 human figura see human figures
cap on a column of w-aicr 103-7
<jvo!o scctions 53. 54. 55
padauk 41 parting tools 7. 8 paltem books 119 pea moulding 53. 56-7 pear 36. 163 pcfspective 83-6.99 phloem 27. 28. 29 pinc 27. 29. 37. 79. 132. 134. 137. 138. 139. 154 Qucbcc ycllow 30. 76. 77. 78 Scots 112 Southern ycllow 30 pinhole bortrs 37. 38 pith 30 planks 38 plum 36 poisons 34-5 posturo 14.15.45 piesemtira 41-2 Ruritanism 76 purplcheart 41
quadrant scctions 53. 54 Qucbcc ycllow pine 30. 76. 77, 78
ramin 53 rasps 19. 20. 145 reaccion wood 39 Rcformation 75 relief 90
Renaissancc style 75 Rcnaissancc \V'ax 107.146 resin canals 33 rifflcts 19. 20. 145