

10 Uniphalic SI rud mes / hwersion

linii Ihe woni wilii h slioidd not ho in Ihe sentence.

1    Only when did she linished hor report was she pald.

2    II was Clive who ho scored lho wlnriing goal.

3    Whatovor il is she wearing!

4    Nol only is lliat Bill a good musiclan, but he also dances well,

5    li will you finish, you can laave.

6    Never beforo once had he caught such a big lish.

7    That was how had ho deceived so many people.

8    Whore I haven't been thera is Paris,

9    So much loud was Ihe musie (hut we had lo leave lho bar.

10    llarely ever are those birds seen in the wild.

11    No soonor when had he gol horne thari he was called back lo the oltice.

12    Only by she trying hard can Ann overcome ber weaknesses.

13    II was last year Ihat they did gol engaged.

14    Wliy is il Ihis that you always blanrie me lor your problerns?

15    Whereyer is did you buy this awlul orange and purple hal?

16    So much brilliarit was Iris performance that Ihe audience cheered.

17    Do you sil down please.

18    What you need il is someone to help you.

19    I halo Moxican food and so does hates my husband.

20    I le did left early in the morning.

Ora! Deyelopment 8 4






















Look at the piclures helów, then talk ahout thein using emphatic structures or iiwersion.

eg. It was Kirkpatrick who started the fight. Not only was he rude to the referee but he also punched hirn on the nose. etc



Phtnsal Verbs









see about: deal willi; make arrangements lor (« see to)

see sb off: go willi sb to their point of departure

see sb out: accompany sb to the door/exit of a house/building

see over: Inspect (a house, (lat etc) see through sb/sth: not be deceived by sb/sth see sb through: support sb until the end ol a dilficult linie

see to: t) make arrangements, 2) atlend to sth •••••••••••••

set about: 1) bogiń to do, 2) attack

set aslde: save tor a special purpose

set back: I) delay progress ol sth, 2) delay an

event liii a Inter datę, 3) cost (slang)

set out: 1) begln a journey, 2) start a course

of aclion with a elear aim in rnind

set In: start and soom likely to continue

set on: (cause to) attack

set lip: 1) start a business, 2) build; erect,

3) oslablish

liii in lho correct parlicle(s).

Don't do ttio washing up now, l'll seB ... to... it latar.

Let's make an appointrnent to seo.............lho

property witli the surveyor.

He thinks he's dever but I can see........his tricks.

You look after the children and l'll see........Ihe tickets.

We'll all eonie to tho station lo seo you...........

Ho sets................a little money every month.

As soon as the last guest had gone, he set..........

cleaning lho fiat.

When he linished university he set...........his own

Computer company.

He become a mlllionaire before ho

was Ihidy.

We'll need Winter ooats now that the cold woathor

has set.............

That leather jacket set me............C300.

The sound eguipment has been sol...........ready

for the concort.

The slorm did a lot of darnage and set construclion a week.

Tlto gang ol hooligans sot............him willi sticks.

She sot............a committoe to oppose the plans

for the now building.

sjwfe? Look ol Appootlic I, lhon fili i o lho correct preposilion.


She was expelled ...from... school when    11

they caughl lier taking some test papers.    12

He forgaye ino .......................arriving lale for : 13

his performance.

Don't worry - you'll be safe...................those : 14

men liore. They won't (ind you.

I replied................the irwitation for Ihe party. 15

ITs so typical to be late lor an

appointrnent.    16

Mozart was a genius ......composing operas.

The train to Liverpool departs..........platform 17

7 at I0.30.

He was ashamed......the    way    he    had treated 18

his Iriond.    19

In this city you havo to beware.................the

liusy roarls as theyTe vory dangerous.    20

This new hairdryer does not comply.............. i 21

British saluty standards.

The boy was named.............his grandfather.

Joan is frightened .............................spiders,

The barrister was very happy ...................lho

jury's verdict.

All the tax is included...........ffie price writlon

on the iłem.

II the boat was going to sinlt, there would be

a great need...................lifejackets.

If you persist ...........calling me sucfi horriblo

names, Tm going to tell the teacher.

Jirnmy agreed.............his fiancóe.................

wfiere tfiey should got married.

I was shocked ..........the price they chargod.

DonT forget to thank your grandmother

..................your present.

The fiijackers surreridered............the police.

It's about limę you stopped relyirtg ................

your parents.

Fili in llie following collocation grill.



mY-Ml    Ójrfti





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