Listen over a portable or home stereo system using stereo headphones for best results. Alternatively, you may position yourself between conventional speakers.
Non Verbal Recordings—Play while performing another activity or simply j relax and enjoy the experience.
Verbal Recordings—Sit or lay comfortably in a distraction-free environment. Adjust the volume to a comfortable level. Visualize or simply think of doing what the words describe.
DO NOT listen to Hemi-Sync while driving or operating heavy equipment. Avoid using with other devices that may influence brain-wave activity.
DO NOT listen to Hemi-Sync without first consulting your physician if you j have a tendency towards seizures, auditory disorders, or adverse mental i condition(s). In the unlikely event that you experience any unusual physical i or mental discomfort, immediately discontinue use.
DO NOT reproduce Hemi-Sync products or use with Dolby® or other noise-reduction systems. Doing so will diminish the effectiveness of the Hemi-Sync signals.
While many ofour audio products contribute to wellness, they are not intended to replace medical diagnosis and treatment.
Humań Plus teaches you to reproduce desired effects at will. Use any standard stereo system with headphones or position yourself between speakers. Keep volume Iow so you just understand the words, and imagine yoursell doing what the words describe. You may or may not fali asleep. There are nc subliminal messages—the occasional verbal message at very Iow volume dur-ing a "sleep" period is simply a repetition of previously heard information.
Listen to the PREP Track once or twice, then listen to Track 2 once. Starł using the Function Command during appropriate daily activities. Continue listen i ng to Track 2 for reinforcement until you feel confident using the Function Command.
When using the Function Command, simply allow it to work. The effecl may or may not be immediate. The morę you use the Function Command, the morę effective it becomes.
Ongoing research at The Monroe Institute has inspired the development oi Hemi-Sync products for a wide rangę of applications:
meditation focused attention
spiritual growth accelerated learning
expanded awareness sleep enhancement
profound relaxation pain control
problem solving heightened creativity
stress reduction physical wellness