#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (42)

#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (42)

(magic crochet)

Shaw/ With G.ch 21 plus 4 (o turn. Raw 1 : Work dc in 7lh st from hook. then ( I ch. sk 1 si, 1 dc in ncxt st) across; cnd with 1 dc;ch 4, tum. Row 2 : Work (dc in ch-l, I chi across; end with dc; ch 4. tum. Rep thcsc 2 rows umil piece measures 101 !T from beg. Fastcn olT.


mSHAWl gray









Cap (not shown in photo) With NB. work as shown in diagram

Head and Robę : Beg at top of head, with B form Ip. Rnd I : Ch 1 to beg ea sc md, in Ip work 6 sc; close sc rnds with sl sl in first sc. Rnds 2-4: Inc 6 sts cvenly on ca md - 12, 18. 24 sc. Rnds 5-8 : Work evcn in sc. Rnds 9-/0 : Dec 3 sts cvcnlv on ca rnd - 21, 18 sc. Rnd II :Cut B With BR, work even in sc. Rnds 12-18 Work in dc (llrst dc * 3 ch; close dc rnds with sl

•21 CAP n*vv Utue (uutionnll

s1 in top of ch-3). inc 4 sts evenly on ca md. On rnd I4, work I3 dc. I ch. I5 dc, I ch (holes forurms). Rnds 19-25: Inc 2 sts evenly on ea md. Fasten ofT Ann (make 2) : With BR, ch 42 plus 3 to tum, work 3 rows dc (see diagram). After completing all picces. assemblc Joseph following diagram

141 ARM brown make 2



— beg ch 42 Bti l5’l

work beg ch and 3 tiRhlly to obtimi curv*

(6l COMPLETED WOHK place cap on haad


tx*y ch 21 sta I?')


/ I A* 160 sta)

mus 19-25 inc ? sta wanty on «o rod 'nda 12 18 inc 4 sts wenty on on ind

1 md evon

rndł 9 10 do< 3 *ls wort    wenly on na rnd

4 rndt wen rnds 2-4 mc 6 sl* wenty on ea rnd

Hoifl» sc


sów beg

ch to top ot r 3


cul Jb stnmda of gr*y v«rn 3 1/2“ »ong

bluc beao

nmomiOw w brown yarn

ftluff head

łhp erm» thru hołw m 3rd md of rooe


Head . Starting at top, with B form Ip. Rnd / : Ch I to beg ca sc md, in Ip work 8 sc; close sc rnds with sl st in first sc Rnds 2-5 : Inc 8 sts evenly on ca md - 16, 24 sc. Rnds 4-5: Inc 6 sts evenly on ea md -30,36 sc. Rnds 6-/0 : Work even in sc. Rnd II : Dec 6 sts cvcnly - 30 sc. Cul B. Rnds 12-/3: With P. work evcn in sc - head madę. Cont with P in pat st for Robę : Rnd I : “dc (first dc -3 ch throughout), sk 2 sts, I shell ( = 2 dc. 1 ch and 2 dc in same st), sk 2 sts, rep from * all around; close with sl st in top of ch-3 throughout Rnd 2: *sh in dc. dc in ch-l of next sh, rep from *around. Rnd 3 ;SI st in ea of ncxt 2 sts, *sh over sh, sh in ncxl dc, rep from *around Rnds 4-5: Same as rnds 2 and 3 Rnd 6: *dc bet shells, sh over sh.rep from ♦around. Rnd 7 :mSh indc. dc in ch-l ofncxtsh, rep from *around. Rnds 8-12 : Same as rnds 6 and 7. Shawl: With W. ch 25 plus 4 to tum. Rom 1 ;Work dc in 7th ch from hook, then (1 ch, sk 1 st, dc in next st i across; ch 3 to tum at cnd of odd rows, ch 4 to lum at end of cvcn rows. Work 30 rows in filet : work (dc in ch-l. I chi across.

Arm (make 2) With P, work 3 rows dc across 45 sts, as per diagram.

Manile : With BL, ch 61 plus 3 to lum. Row / : Dc in 4th st from hook, 2 ch. 2 dc in same st as last dc (shell formed), *sk 2 sts. dc in next st. sk 2 sts. shell (= 2 dc. 2 ch. 2 dc) in next U, rep from • across; at cnd of r : lum. work sl st in ca of ncxt 2 sts. ch 3. Rows 2-7 : Sh over sh, dc over dc Row 8 : Dcc by working sh ovcr )h only. Row 9 : 2 dc ovcr first sh, 2 ch, 2 dc over 2nd sh, work (dc ovcr ih.sh ovcr ncxt sh) across, hut cnd r to correspond lo beg. Rows 10.12 and 13: Same as r 8. Row 11:2 dc over first

sh, 2 ch, 2 dc over 2nd sh. cont across with sh over sh, bul end r to corre-spond lo beg. After completing r 13. fastcn off. Assemblc.



7* 110 motit&l -

work wen (2 rnd*| md ftt»

1    1    6 cłoc ovnniy

fl•I0 evon

*1 5 Sl.nc wenty

2    3 8jon m rnd

bmgo ac

rnd 1 8 *c m lo

PAT ST FOR ROBI rmlfc 8 12 rep rndk 6 and 1

- 3

X * V*Ma «*t~. ■ >x>>

rnd 13 ot h#wnl




•2) ARM (dc) pmk make 2


begch 45Rl%(5'ly fold


to top of 3, curvtt wm

work nog ch ono r 3 bghtly lo obtain curwi*

(4) MANTLf Mitr

.lip orm Ihlu oponing

M iS.:

- .


, bog ch 61 «tv (6 3/4'| midpomt

work pot ot 2im) tMilt to correupond

* c


« E

E l

13) SHAWl (filell wfnt#

2 1/4*

r (25 »tsi r



lwy, ch 2b łtł U I 4"t

Blankel . With R.ch 21 plus 4 tu turn Row / : Work dc in 7th st from hook. then (1 ch, sk 1 st. dc in ncxt st) across; ch 3. tum. Row 2 : Dc in ch-l, then (1 ch. dc in next ch-l) ucross; cnd with dc in last dc, ch 4. tum. Rows 3-/3 : Rep rows I and 2. Al end of r 13 do not cut thread. Wrong sidc facing, cont with edginK : Ch I. *sc in ncxt ch-l. hdc in next ch-l, 1 p (= 3 ch, sc in First st of ch-l). hdc in same st as last hdc. rep from * uround, mserting hook for next 3 edges as per diagram; close with sl st in first sc. Head and Rody : Beg at top of head, w ith P form Ip. Rnd I Ch 1 to beg ea sc rnd. work 6 sc in Ip; close sc rnds with sl st in first sc. Rnd 2: Inc 6 sts evcnly - 12 sc. Rnd3: Inc 6 sts evenly - 18 sc. Rnds 4-10 : Work even in sc - head madę. Cut P Rnd II :<beg of body): With W. work 18 sc. Rnd \2 : Work body in dc. Inc 2 sts cvenly - 20 dc. Rnd 13 : Inc 4 sts evcnly - 24 dc. Rnds 14-J5 : Inc 6 sts evenly on ea md -


•    2* (21 m|    —»

111 nl-r


Wind hrown yarn oroiino penctl to< Ż 1/4*

fwnove penctl. *ew curla lo head

w 13


blue bead

• embronln* w dk brown

łlip orm thru m ot łlwtwi

(13H    i





hegch 21    '7*1



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