#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (51)

#32 Magic Crochet Oct84 (51)

(magic crochet)

WMESMBL: With navy blue. ch 13 plus 3 to tum. Row l: In 4th st from hook *ork 1 dc, dc in ea of next 11 sts, 2 dc m last st; ch 3, tum ea row. Rows 2-7 : Work 2 dc in first st. dc in ca st a cross, 2 dc in last st of ca row (tuming ch counts as first dc). Rows 8-10: Work even in dc. Row U : Work 11 dc. I hdc, 3 sc, 1 lidc, 11 dc. Cont on one side only. Row 12 : Dec on ea side as follows 3 ch (Tch). dc in 2nd dc, dc m ea of ncxt 7 dc, eluster last 2 dc. Rows 12-14 : Dcc in same manner. Fasten otT. Complcte 2nd side to correspond. Make 2nd heart. Motif: With yellow, ch 6 and join to form ring. Rrni / ; In ring work (5 dc, 2 chi 4 limes; first dc *= 3 ch throughout. close with sl st m top of ch-3. Work 2 rows in dc across ea 5 dc (see diagram). Finlshing : Join 2 heart motifs with red sc. stuff before complcting md. Sew llower motif to one side with slip-stitch.

fff    : Hat Using yellow,

form lp with end of thread. Rnd l : In lp, ch 1, work 6 sc; beg ea md with ch I; close ea sc md with sl st in first sc. Rnds 2-10: lnc cvcnly 6 sts on ea md - 60 sc. Rnds U-12: Work even in sc. Rnds 12-14 : Work even in dc; first dc = 3 ch. close dc rnds with sl st iii top of ch-3. Fasten ofT. Head : With red, ch 60 and join to turni ring. Rnd I : Dc in ea of 60 sts around; first dc = 3 cht close ea rnd with sl st in top of ch-3. Rnds 2-8 Dc in ea st around Ronom of Hend : Using red. form lp with cmi ol thread. Rnd l : 12 dc in lp. /ćw/2.2dcinea dc around. Rnds 2-5: lnc 12 dc on ea md as shown in diagram, Finlshing : Sew bottom of head to heud. StutT head. Sew hal to head.

S5EBBD: llsing rosę. form lp with end of thread. Rnd / : In lp work 8 sc; beg ea sc md with 1 ch; close with sl st in First sc. Rnd 2 : Work (2 st in ea of ncxt 2 sc. 2 ch) 4 limes. Rnds 2-5 : (sc in ea sc. sc m ch lp. 2 ch. sc in last ch lp) around. Rnd 6 : Work dc in ea sc, 2 ch over 2 ch. as per diagram; first dc - 3 ch;close dc rnds with sl st in top of ch-3. Rnd-7 : Idc in ea dc of grp, 2 dc m last dc of grp, 2 ch, 2 dc in First dc of next grp) around; end with dc in ca of next dc. close, cut thread Now work ea arm scparalely in rows. Rows 8-/0 : Altach thread (sec whilc wedge) with sl st.ch 3. work dc in ca of next 11 sts; ch 3, tum ea row. Row li :Tch. 1 dc,2 hdc, 4 sc, 2 hdc. 2 dc; ch 1. tum. Row 12 ; Sc in cu of 12 sts. Fasten off ( omplete the other 3 arms in same manner. Make a 2nd cross motif. Place 2 motifs together, join, stulF before sewing opemng closed.




SfZE : Irce is 17" tali Star measures aboul o 3/4” from point to point. Pand measures 14 1/4x21 1/2 inchcs

MA TERIAIS: Crochet cotton no. 10. white 2 1/2 (20-g) balls Pcarl cotton no. 8. IO-g balls : 1/2 hall in ea color listod m color kej Steel crochet hook US size 9. Plywood panel. 14 1/4 i 21 1/2 in Cherry red fclt. piece 17 3/4 \ 25 1/2 in. Christmas lights : string of 20tiny bulbs Masking Uipe.

GAUGE : 4" st) *» 18 meshes and 19 rows. First 3 rnds of star = I 3/4" in diumeter. Ifyou do not obtaln thfsr gauges. try using snudleror largrrłuwk

SOTE: Io make smaller trec and star, use crochet cotton no 40 and sted crochet hook US size 11. The gauge will then be 18 m x 19 r 3** sq.



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