č 2 22

č 2 22

Vyznamy/semy aj.:


a-semy/semanticke komponenty b-hyponymie/taxononiie/tezaurus


a- ramce/scen are/ tein ata (ty pieką) b-pragniaticke funkce


Poznamka: Vzhledem k relatmu novosti tematu a oboru se tu i pro studijnf ućely uvadi ponekud śirśi vyber jako zakladm orientaćnf zdrój.

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Atkins, B. T. S.: Seinantic ID-tags: corpus evidence for dictionary senses. In: The Uses of Large Text Databases: Proceedings of 3rd Annual Conference of the UW Centie for the New Oxford English Dictionary. Waterloo 1987.

Atkins, B. T. S.: Corpus lexicography.: the bilingual dimension. In: Computational Le-xicology and Lexicography. Vol. I. Pisa 1991, s. 43-64.

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Atkins, B. T. S. - Zampolli A. (ed.): Computational Approaches to the Lexicon. Oxford (=5. Pisa International Sunimer Scliool on Computational Lexicology and Le-xicography) 19,94.

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Bindi, R. - Calzolari, N. - Monachini, M. - Pirrelli, V. - Zampolli, A.: Corpora


Slovo a slovesnost, 56, 1995


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