The pnirs of colors wliose names are łisled helów in red should be combined in the necclle to produce a shacled effect. to combinc the first pair, tor example, tukę one strand o/ lt. red and place il willi one strand ot orange. Tliread everyihing into the needle at the same time.


Use the following combined color. ou 1 strand ot l.t Red and Wsio cLoJo 1 strand of Orange    .'ci.


Use the following combined colors. n — 1 strand of Mint Green and UkK

1 strand ot I t Tuiqu<iise    C-L«i£J

* l strand of Mint t ineen and \j2,cA_ (_i-(XLuVc^

1 strand of Ll Dlue ^^©0. cL*qj CROSS STITCH

Use one strand of the following colors.

r - Pale 'Uirquoise £Ll\ . n — PaleKItie t/lauc. Ll&\ w — Lt. Tuwjuoise P<2-Ućv Teal Blue

cross stitch

Use two strands of the following colors. w — l.t. Red    c^az

Red l*\o

Bumt Rod n3Vo

, . vfrtCLLO

l.t. Yellow ^

(iol d

Cold Brown    H

Yellow Green    z

Green    *

l)k Green vtŁr\ v Yory Dk. lhrquoise    .




n —

W -A —

& —

leal Blue fa-* cA^a Lt. Blue Purple

I>lue Pulpie (^\ ^ f \£»VA.ł-pviAę


l.t Brown L/UX2 ęA^aj Brown    a*

I t Grey

Black    we


</\A. cLuJj

Use one strand of the following colors. ć> — l.t. Yellow    # — l.t Blue Purple KA-joLl

x ColdcVcV CL>Q)    CUlU


Use Iwo strands ot the following color. c? — l.t Yellow <yioc cLl&J DETAIL5

Use the number of strands indirated by lite numbers in parentheses.

Thin red lines on towcl and SALE — red (1) Buck Stitch SEEDS — ^d (2) Hack Stilch Thick blue nasturtium leaf vcins in right cabinet drawer — yelIow green (1) Back Stitrh thick red sfems — dk. green (!) BackSlitch Thick biue Unos of wainscoting — lt. blue ptnple (1) BackSlitch

Rcmaining thick red lines — lt- brown (1) Back Slitcli Thin blue lines on birdhousc, skep, and cabinet — brown (1) Back Slitcli

Remaining thin rod lines — dk. brown (1) Back Stitrh

Remuimng thick blue lines — dk. brown (2) Back Slitcli

Black lines — black (1) Back Slitcli

Reiiuiining thin blue linę- — black (?) BackSlitch

Black #'s — black {2} Frencli Knots

Black o's lt. grey (2) I rench Knots


Fr»    m.^rv

W\    V ixa a

ln/-o uzunuyc * a n>ai tw



AA A Aj; *Ot*: A***'

A A**>



= łsL

ysrs;* xmnryrK x-Xx x kIjtwjmj v;yv y^innnr xxx    y x x x x Vx x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x xxxxxxxxx juk x x x x x'x x xxx x'x-xł X X X X X X X x_x x x'iy* nxxxxxxxx yyyyA X X X xjfx X X X X X X X X yóSy/óS .    '    XXXX x’x X X X X yy f ./* X X

x x x x x xjrx x x x xxx x x ÓS// y x x x

X X X X X X X X X X !?t/sr!/ X X Ó.'ż r. X X X X X X X X X X 0    X    ó    # {/

X X X X X X X X X ■/ Ó S ÓÓ ■/ Ó K X.ÓÓ Ó'Ó

y.y ó ćći/y

Sfx.fl. XXX X XX X X X *\KK fx xxxxxkxxxxx xgSsU    M    >1U U 111

x x x x x xxx x x X x.x'x x x x X.x xy X X    ;

x'x!x X X XXX X'x X X X X X X X X XIX K.X,X X >łlłx ; óó x x x x x'x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x \1'si


x x x x x x x x.-ż.:■/.•/ ó'ó sf't\' a x x x x x óĆ/óĄfióóóffp ■/., X X x óóó.óś ó Ąóy ó i- ólĄfó e ?-C    ^    ssĄS Óć.

'//■■■y y yy'óć<?Ą}ó óóóóóóa ó ós ->> y y Ąt óóstó ć i

XX XX ó'yóyói. </•■/ ÓÓ.-/Ó óó ó

x xxx///.-yć yóófff </

.. ~~ x * - • - ^ ' óóó.y/syós/ó


>'/ ó S-.Ó <? Óf •.> Ó S ó ó Sóó y X X óó,vóysy/fyys-.yf ó/sS/óó x s 1/ś ’jóSóf óós//■■■• y ssyós ,ś y ó ó    ÓÓ -/ÓÓS S ó yy

■sós ós,//tyy s- y óóóó',óó ........ „ .. ....— ......

yy yyy.ysósóós ós„//syy yyysy yóóóóó ■ssy//.,/0y,1

« x’ « A A /lA a .. A x x x .W.    .1 X - » . x x A /

yyy y yy sśii


Sf/ ÓS//

sssesssó/sós yyyyys


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