TME30 331

TME30 331


The best tliere is at wliat he does—hut what he does isn V pretty!




James Howłett; often goes by Logan




The Xavter Academy. Salem Center. Westchester. New York

HEICHT 5 ft 3in WEKSHT 195 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black


IncroÓMeHu* §180 (October 1974)

Horn at the tum of the century, James Howlett, the man who would one day become known and feared as Wolverine, was a siekły child. Hut he was also bom a mutant, gifted with the rcniarkablc ability to lieal virtually instantaneously from almost any wound. Hc also had razor-sharp claws madę of bonę, a fact he first beeame aware of when, during a domestic dispute, he unsheathed his claws for the first time, killing his assailant.


•    Origin ni—6

The secret bogrmings oJ Wofccroo ato r eveated ler the first t«ne

•    Woh/enno Limit od Senes »l—4

Wojenno must wage a war of honor n Jupon to protect tt» woman ho kłvt*s. and lo provo that    w moro man Mian twost

•    Wolvohno vol 2 921—34 Bramwasherl by Hydra. Wolwnnw «S sort to tal tho groatesJ Super Meroes tho Morvel Urwurso.


Wotaenne possoasoe o 'healing tactor' ttirt olows hłm to recovor from almoet any nury n aooonds. His skeleton ttas been laced witn the unbreakabto motał Adwnantiian. wrteh mokes hut txxws unshattorułJiM Wołvor1rx) al$o possessws Ihroo tocrt-tong Hdamantwm ciaws tfiat retroct from Cłtnor hand. caoabłe OJ sJcmg throogh ałmost ary substance known to man.

ALLIES X Mon. Now Avongers, Nick Fury

FOES ■ <

S*ver Samura

Moi a suocossM imted sur es n 198?. WoNorine was awordod rts own ongomg titte In November. 1968. o sortes devrt«i lo tvs solo acKontures aport from ns teiow X-fAe. The title has bocn pubkshod

Wrtti an urbroakablo adamanujm sketeior, retractable ra/or-sharp claws. and a hoatng taclor that ateu prrtongs rts Kfespan. WoMtrino c an ofrnool uribwitMie oppanent


Forccd by his naturę to leavc bchiud thc pampcred worki iii which hc grew up, Howlctt bcgan a lite of wandering, moving Ironi place to place. His own healing Tactor actecl upon his mind to suppress the traumatic nicmorics of his childhood. leas ing him a man without a past. Ovcr the years, he took on a succcssion of menial jobs. huilding up his strength and stamina, and losing himself in thc repetitieeness of simple work. By this point, he had adopted the namc Logan, altcr the groundskccpcr at the Howlctt estate. who might have been his real father. But both the man and the estate were long lost among the indistinct memorics buried decp within his mind.

Logan lived the lite of a drifter. movmg from one adventure to another. learning all there was to know about łighting along the way. He fought in both world wars, spent time in Japan, and madę his home-away-from-home in the tiny city of Madripoor. a haven for smugglers and pirates.

His miraculous healmg factor prolonged his natural lifespan. makmg him appear far younger than he truły was. Hor a time. he operated as a sec ret agent for the Canadian govcrnment,a vocation and association that would como to have dire rainifications.

A secret project of the Canadian government was attempting to crcatc a morę perfect breed ofoperative. a super-soldier along the lines of the

A hointed fcgure, Logan i sport much ot rw l wandunng the wortd.


hunting stnall gamę to survive. But a chance meeting with James MacDonald Hudson and his wife Hcather put Logan on the road to humanity.They took the beast-man back into their homes. and nursed him back to hcalth.

Hudson himself was a scicntist doing work for the Canadian government, where hc has dcveloped a battlesuit that he hoped would make him a hero on a par with the ncwly-revealed American group. the Fantastic. Four.

Woapon X projoct laced Logan

mottf. odamonUjm.

lamous CaPTAIN a. Kidnapped ofl*    >

the streets and used as a guinea pig, Logan, now referred to as Weapon X. was subjected to unimaginable pain and tortures as his captors attempted to tnold him to their liking. Rcalizing that Logan s healing factor would allow him to survive proccdures which would kill any ordinary man. the scientists of the Weapon X project laced his i skeleton with a nearly-unbreakable metal 1    » alloy known as adainnniium.They

A also attempted to control his mind B through brainwashing. which only B    scrved to scrambh l >

B ■ memories even further.

|    But eeentually. they eould

A New name

■    Attempting to put together an

H    equivalent team of Super

H 1 leroes in the sereice ot the B ( .m.ul:a:i gowrr.ment. 1 Iudso::

■    brought Logan into Alpha

H Flight. włiere he was given the B codename Wokerine. Hudson »had intended Woherine to be

■    the leader of this ncw strike

■    force. but all that changed when I a man in a wheclchair entered

the sccnc.

The man was Professor Charles Xavicr (Professor X), the mutant telepatii who had founded the clandcstine team of mutant Super Hero es called the X-Men.




Rccognizing Wolvcrincs mutant naturę. Professor X oflcred him a place among others of his kind. Desiring to escape the rules and rcgulations oflife as a governmcnt operative. Wolverine accepted Xavicr s oflcr, coming to live in his School for Gifted Youngsters. which douhled as the X-Men s headquarters.

At last Wolvcrine had found his place in the world. While his savage naturę initially alienated him from his tellów mutants, he found friendship among them, and came to he one of the strongest believers in Professor X s dream of co-existence hetween mutants and normal humans— though this helief was tinged with a healthy cynicism. Although he continually struggles with the darker. animalistic side of himself. Wolverine has found honor, and truły rcgaincd his humanity as an X-Man.

Rcccndy, as a a*sult of the w orki- liter i ng adventu rc known as House of M. Wokerine regained all ot his memories of his past. Where this newly-recovered knowledge will take him in his lifes journey remains to bc scen. TB



--YOU'VE FOUNPy&J? ___MAK'__^







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