Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 109

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 109


1 3.05 Books closed, ask Ss if they are good at coping in a crisis. Elicit some examples. Discuss who they tum to when they are in trouble. Then open their books and look at the cartoons. Ask Ss to describe what they can see and then read the text and match each question to a picture.

Answer key


2    Ask Ss to identify what kind ot text they can see (a quiz/questionnaire) and where they might see it (in

a magazine). Tell Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. When they have fimshed. Ss can check the key at the foot of page 92. Are they surprised?


Ask Ss to look at the box and get individual Ss to read each sentence aloud. Ask them: Do you think the lift will break down? (no); Is this a real situation or an imaginary situation? (imaginary). Ask Ss to underline the verbs and identify the tenses used.

Point out that the clauses can be reversed. as in the first two sentences, with no change in meaning. Ask Ss to notice that we use a comma between the clauses when the if clause comes first.


3    Explain that Ss should match each beginning and ending, and then write a sentence in the second conditional. They should write the sentences in their notebooks.

I’d press the alarm button.


Grammar Second conditional Yocabulary -ed and -ing adjectives

1    <?o Read the quiz. Then match the questions (1-3) with the pictures (A-C).

2    Ask your partner the questions in the quiz and notÄ™ his/her answers. Then check the key.

What    would you do in a

0i you a glass at your friend’s house and nobody , you anyone?

a)    Yes, I . I    and to

pay for it.

b)    Yes, I my friend, and we the pieces.

c)    No, I    . It    too

embarrassing. I quiet.

| Key

11 abc 2 abc 3 abc

â–  These answers show that you are sensitwe and 1 imaginatwe, but you sometimes panie.

i These answers show that you make decisions i very fast - perhaps too fast!

r These answers show that you are calm and i clear-thmking. You are great in a crisis.

you in a lift and it stuck, what    you ?

a)    I    the alarm button


b)    I    on the door and . I

frightened, especially if I alone.

c)    I    anything. I for it

to start moving again.

G What you you on a school trip. and the bus back to school without you?

a)    It    very annoymg, but I

a way to get home by myself.

b)    I very worried. I    my

parents and them to come and get me.

c)    I down and . A teacher

quite guickly, IYn surÄ™!

Answer key

2a — If I saw an accident, Pd cali 999.

3e — If I could choose a holiday anywhere in the world. Pd go to Australia.

4b - If I didn't have any homework this evening, Pd watch a DVD.

5d - If I could speak twenty languages, Pd be a genius.

Answer key

2 If you could spend a day with a celebrity, who would you choose? 3 What would your parents say if you dyed your hair green? 4 If you had £1,000,000. what v»'ould you spend it on? 5 Where would you live if you didn’t live in this country? 6 If you were at your friend’s house and you didn’t like the food, would you eat it?

4 Ask Ss to work alone to complete the questions. Check the answers and ask Ss to repeat the correct guestions chorally.


5 a Ask Ss to think about their own answers to the questions in Exercise 4 and make a few notes if they wish, before getting into pairs and asking and answering. When they have finished encourage Ss to ask other questions. Make surÄ™ both Ss get to ask the questions. b Ss report some of their partner’s answers to the class.

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