Upat 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 177

Upat 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 177

2 Has she fvfl» won anylłmg? 3Theybave hte    yosterrinry

witb Ałox yot9

Unit 1

1 2 2 2

3    2 ‘m waiting 3 s r.«» tt} 4 *m geting 5 are <you) donQ 6 aro hangtog out 7 rc nul <Joing

4    2 ’$ sleeping 3 m wortong 4 *s not ptoying 5 ‘rc noi sf *:ak»ng 0 Are <you) learrinu 7 ‘s (be) dong

5    i Does your cat like nnik?

Yee. it does.

2    Are Ber and Alice watchmg a fim ot tho mmmmi?

Yes. they are.

3    Oo you speak lour tenguagea?

No. I doct.

2 hava been 3 sal 4 have (jusl) męwed 5 pot 6 has (ateady) leomt 7 baśn i staned 8 bas (afreedy) n^ade 9have«n\ited I0bave(n©veo*x»n

5    2 whose 3 włiere 4 włx> 3 which 6 who

6    2That*smysteter n lawwhosopamnls toiinSpan. 3 That te the restauw it wbere my latber asked my stepmothor to marry him. 4 This is Ihe ring that my brother gaw? to hts fance©. 51 ive w*h my ctód, my stoomołher .md my stepsislcr. włścb tent unusuai nowaoarys.

7    2 Have (you) Oecłded 3 havent decided 4 have (you) thougnt 5 wantod 6 hnve changed 7 Have (you) spent 8<Jk1 9enjoyed lOHove(you)spcken 11 l^kcd 12 haven*t spcken

4    Are you and OIMk taiktng abouttheconcert?

Yes, we ar©

6    2 Who 3How 4 What 5 How 6 How nnny 7Wby 8 How much

7    2 Wbo do you sil w.ih m lessons? 3 What s she lice? 4 How ołten do you see ber? 5 Wboro's ibo youlh ciub? 6 What do you do lhe<e?

8    2 Dirl (you) łwve 3 was 4 was 5 płayed 6 ckdn i wn 7 had 8 mado 9 wat chód 10 Oki (you) see 11 didnt finish t2were

9    21 was woicNng tckMsmn. 31 waśni watcbing ihe news. i was watchmg cartoons. 4 Were you watctiing tekMson? 5 My parents were eotng bmoktast

6    My sistcrs worent eating breaktast. Ttiey were dooj their homework

10    2 was mariing 3 was lalking 4 were płaymg 5 waśni płaying 6 was watcbing

7    was (my cpunctfalt**) <kxt»g 8 was sleeping

11    2 heord 3wastaiking 4 went 8 cbecked 6 was wafang; mm

12    2 needeo 3 was walsirg 4 saw 5 was ba\4ng 6 decded 7 was tdfcng

8    took 9 boughl 10 was retuming

13    2 bve 3 are working 4 'm staymg 5 took 6 were waMng 7 saw 8 wanted

9    didnt thmk 10 doesnt ihe 11 are suidying 12 orien t 13 aro fcvtog 14 went 10ddn*lgo 16 was fioishing

Unit 2

1    2 wihe 3Vs gong to buy 4 wont nced 5 1 be watchmg 6 are not go»ng to lakę 7*lteave dismeetmg 9’sgoingtosend 10’lwrle

2    2 arentpłaying 3ls(tbcband)going 4 *spłaying 5 ‘rerecordmg 6 VoHying

7    arent wortong

3    2 are cydrng 3 are luking 4 uren‘l going 5 ’m working 6 *m baving 7 am starting 8 Are (you) mo^ng

4    2 Owms Hoavon te not as cbeap as The Grand. 3 Cinema Heeven ts much moro oxponswo than Tbo Grand 4 Ihe tood at The Grand te not as good as ihe lood at Cinema Hoa^on. 5 Tbo Grand is much okfar than Cinema Heaven.

6 Cłnerna Heaven ts much ncer tnan Tho Grand.

5    2 Ihe smatest 3the worsl 4 thc bcst 5the(urviie$t 6 Ihe most interesting

6    2 me worst 3 not as bad as 4 tb© worsl 5 itie best 6 as good as

7    2 not as scary as 3 much easier than 4 the most fantastc 5 *1 be

6 the most awooomo 7 *m płaying 8conffdent 9 awful lObetlerthan 11 'm not gomg to piay

Unit 3

1    2 bas Gust) choson 3 hasn t laken 4 have (never) rr»ade

5    has (already) gono 6 Has (the cat jush run 7 haven’t spent

8    Have (you) found 9 havo 0»»t) gono

2    2 has telt 3 Heve (you ever) modę 4 has (never) madę 6 Have (you) staned

6    hove (already) briied 7 baven t done 8 has boun 9 hasnT bd»ed

10    have (you) looked

Unit 4

1    2toodfflfctft1o 3tooexpensjve 10 4toosiov4yto 5dont(sen*)tostenoughto 6choaoiyonough to

2    2 Tho «r is loo w«de lor the parking space. 3 The bed te not tong oncxigh to steepin. 4 T)«oy;tren’1 wafcing qvick)y enough lo arriweon timo. oThotoacher is tnfcng loo tyiieity lo be heard. 6 He didn‘t steep wel enough to bo at school

3    2 There aro too riłony books m it. 3 There aren t enoi»gh pfcryers to mąko two tonms. 4 There is too much bad news. 5 There is too much potutoon. 6 There isn*t enough fresh air in here. 7 T)>ere ten*l enough frnit in The fridge.

4    2 Thoro <iro loo many peopte. There aren t erough busos. 3 Thoro te too much rtfrt>$n. There ar<ł» i erxxjgh ruobish brv$. 4 Them are too many peopie Thoro aren*l enough soiK>/»icłłcs./There isnT enough tood.

5    2b 3c 4a 5a 6b 7c 8c 9c 108 I1C

6    2 Do you want anything to drink? 3 Someone^Somebody gove me dkections to tho sta ton. 4 is there somewbere I can get a meat? 5 Ooos anybody know tbe svay to the ptirk? 6 Ev0ryooe^Ev0rytody te gong to the Łbrary aftor school. 7 My dad pul evęryttifr>g m me air. 8 When my parents visited Naptos tbey wakod everyv4iere. 9 Luckily, we (ound somewbere to park 10 Ouick1 Tbo cor s brought someibng wiło the Ikjusc. 11 l’m very hungry and i have nothng to eat. 12 At our local swtmming poci tliere te rcwbere to buy a snack

7    2 nm too many 3 te too much 4 i$n’t (big) enough 5 too fexpen$we) to 6 tent <t>g) onnugh 7 too (smal) to 8 dont (vteit ofte»\) enough 9 nothing 10 are too many 11 too (ołd) to 12 not (okf) enough

Unit 5

1    2 There hasnt been a l>g hm tn London for morę than three huidred years.

3 There has been a town noxt to tbo Rtvor Thames for centuries. 4 Oivefs fwve pard to take their cars »nto London stneo 2003. 5 London's big shops have opened on Sundays sinoe tbe law changed w\ 191M 6 Agaiha Chńst©'s play Tho Mousctrjp Itas been on at a London iheatre for morę than Wty yonrs!

2    2 haver t done 3 Have (you) riwde 4 hasnt done 5 has modę 6 Vedonc 7 hasnt done 8 Has (Mum) madę

3    2 *vebeenlwing 3 have you beendokig 4 *vo oonn-working 5 ve been staying 6 havent been sleeptog 7 *ve been sieopmg

4    2 How tong t^as it been raining? It*s been ranng tor soc hours. 3 How tong lwvo they bee»> płaytog football? They've been ptoying lootboll lor rwo hours. 4 How k»>g has &he been taking on the phone? She's been rai<ing on the phone snce lour o*dock. 5 How tong has he been płaying basketball? He*s been płaying huskotbal for an hour. 6 How tong have tbey been mourrtain biking? They ue txen mounkiin biking s«x« ten O ClOCk

5    2o 3b 4a 5c 6c

6    2 Sarah has been dong housework snce 9 o’ctock. She has cteoned three roo<ł^s. 3 l’ve been studymg Chnese tor a month. I heveo’t leamt much yot.



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