1.- Chaptcrs in hooks

1.    ŻBIK M. 1977 Soil Science (Gnmtaznawstwo). Pub. IWdawnictwa Geoi. Warszawa, s. 72-79. 90-95. 182-


2.    ŻBIK M. 1980 Methods of lnvcstigation ofSoils) Metody badań gruntów spoistych. Pub. Wydawnictwu

Geoi. Warszawa s. 340-357

3.    ŻBIK M.. LANG B. 1983 Morphological Fcaturcs of Porę Spaccs in Chondnilcs. (In A.King Ed.

"Chondrules and Their Origins"), Lunar and Pianetary institute. Houston, p.319-329.

3.- Kefereed journal artides: sok aut hor

1. ŻBIK M. 1974 Simplified method of granulomctric analysis. Przegl.Geoi. Warsaw No.6

2.    ŻBIK M. 1976 Elcctrophoicsis in the studics on clay mincrals. Przegi Geoi. Warsaw No.l p.19-22

3.    ŻBIK M. 1982 Eloctrokinetic Potcntial and Specitlc Surfacc of Clay Mincrals. Arehiw. Miner.. vol.38.

Warsaw p.57-66.

4.    ŻBIK M. 1982 The Application of Elcctrophorcsis to the idcntification of the Minerał Components of

Kaolins. Mineralogia Polonica. vol. 13. Warsaw p.3-13.

5.    ŻBIK M. 1982 Porę Spaccs in Stony Mdeońies.Bidl.Acad. Pol.Sc.Terre. vol.30. Warsaw p.59-65.

6.    ŻBIK M. 1983 Morphological fcaturcs ol' pores and their iclation to the origin of stony metoorites. Przegi.

Geoi. No3. Warsaw p. 166-170.

7. -ŻBIK M. 1984 Cosmic sphcrulcs from end of Crctaccous clay laycr. Przegi. Geoph. vol.XXlX. z.3.

Warsaw p.359-365.

8. -ŻBIK M. 1984 Morphology of the Outermost Shclls of the Tunguska Black Magnclic Sphcrulcs.

J.Geophysic. Res. vol 89. p.B605-61.

9. -ŻBIK M. 1984 Morphological analysesof black sphcrical grains separated from magnetie fraction of soil

from the site of Tunguska catastrophc. Przegi. Geoi. No_5. Warsaw p.921-927.

10. -ZBIK M. 1986 H>drophility of kaolinites. Geologieai Buli. oj the Warsaw Unii ersity. T.30. p. 145-158.

1    l.-ZBIK M. 1990 Fourier IR-spcctromclry asapplied to cxploration of the physical propertiesof the Martian

surfacc. PrzegL Geoph. XXXV Ll-2. Warsaw p. 55-64.

12. -ŻBIK M. 1990 Possibilitics of clay minerał occuiTcncc on the Martian surfacc. Przegi. Geoi. No. 12.

Warsaw p.525-530.

13. -ŻBIK M. 1991 Comets and their struć turę. PrzegL Geoi. No. 12 Warsaw p.533-537.

14. -ŻBIK M. 1991 Fcaturcs of impact metamorphism in Lunar rcgolith studics. Bulf. Pol. Ac. Sc. Earth Sc.

vol.39, Warsaw p. 299-309.

15. -ŻBIK M. 1992 Rocks and ground of the Vcnus surfacc. Przegi. Geoi. No.l. Warsaw p.318-322.

16. -ŻBIK M. 1993 The Big R<xk Donga; a New H5 Chondritc from South Australia. Transacction of the

RoyaJSocietyofA.Autf. vol. 117(4). 183-185.

17. -ŻBIK M. 1994 The Yarlc Lakes 001 meteorite: aH5 chondritc Irom South Australia. Meteoritics. 29.


18. -ŻBIK M. I ‘W The Cook 007 meteorite: a ncw H4 chondritc from South Australia.. Tran R. Soc S. Aust.

A. 118(2). 139-142.

19. -ŻBIK M. 19‘>4 Notę on The Exccss of \lc/r*Hc Ratio in Somc Mcltcd Impactitcs.. Polonica Geophisica

Acta Geophysica Polonica. Vol. XLIL no. 3.241-243

20. -ŻBIK M. 19‘>4 Early Planctary HistoryFrom Xcnon Lsotopcs in Sclcctcd Meteorites. Buli. PoL Ac. Sc.

Earth Sc. Vol. 42. No. 4. 311 -322

2    l.-ZBIK M. 1995 Flindersytes from Flinders mountains. Urania, no 3(639). p66-70

22. -ŻBIK M. 1997 Historical Notes on The Tunguska Cosmic Catastrophc . Buli. Pot. Ac. Sc. Earth Sc. Vol

45. no. 2-4.211-238.

23. - Żbik M. (2006) Micro-Structural cxplanation for di Ifcrcnccs in gelation propcrłics of kaolinites from

Birdwood (S.Australia) and Georgia (LISA). Clay Science. 12 (Suppl. 2). 31-36.

24. - Żbik M. (2006) SEMcvidenoe of structural rc-arrangcmcnt from gclling to aggrcgation in Birdwood

kaolinitc.Colloids and Surfaccs A Physicochcm. Eng. Aspccts287. 191-196 availablc onlinc at www.sinccdircctcom

3.- Refered journals: joint author

L- ŻBIK M.. LENART A. 1981 The usc of nonpolynomial approximation in trcatment of rcsultsof studics onclcctrophorctic mobility and calculations ofclcctrokinctic potcntial. PrzegL Geoi. No.2. Warsaw p. 77-78.

2.- ŻBIK M.. STEIN J. 1983 Scarch for Gaj mcteoritc.Przegi.(koph.%ol.XXVIIzZ Warsaw p.229-232.


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