And Wd t* rwoor 4 wfWW. WCaus* nrd rwf rtood his octtt.
But no. ne Mn* t e*ry one wno w^łted to£HARE a* w &•*... And aft** a period, nrd stop.
Bottw u»s oMn a ft-ant* litt* nor«*t«u- r* rw ii*«d to rond Wd»r.try. ęomeUnn. just to itatry, DC*d tCłid Witn •fłOtftCt nonmetał—

Ofvwfi»yvjw. you yoon* ma***
f*V«. XXJ
l%^c iwd be atv*ct*d and bonded by Cfta* W and rot tfyoum sr>tritif - oon ooo oofv*«D
And *t um jo tnat no **t nts ww K*e. MW w błetaooid «D
meta CO c boncł.
~ In a so»oo< «i RTown ttó aftemoon. q mass metałfic boodin* ocoj^Oć be*u*en tn* scnocicNidren u**naP£t**cł*f łnjtructtd tnę* to u** tr*ł> eKcttorrf « a dodt* ban
And as for mftatiC bondtof- u*iv t# nad no idea- \t u*s er# xr**t tftat klłots d«d.....
łnterroendons as to WHY tr* łnstructor noweted sucn basie "nouiodee in bontfre continoe-
-tococaiPoUcenadto c*e«t* r>eatj of<ve» $oo dweet to >oo*r> w bond
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