Next level litigation®
Introducing the first collaborative case management platform for litigators.
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Dive deep into your facts, key documents and events, and work as a team to build the story of your case with dynamie chronologies.
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Keep track of and collaborate around all of your case documents - filings, discovery, transcripts and morę - in an intelligent filing system that is built for complex litigation.
John Appleseed
Witness for Bauer &l
Witness Files
Everchron automatically generates and updates advanced witness files in real time, instantly forming connections between witnesses, documents, and issues.
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Secure Collaboration
Everchron utilizes bank-grade security, enerypting data and documents in transit and at rest, to ensure secure collaboration.
AES 256 Encryption
Documents, metadata, OCRtext, and comments are enerypted at rest, both at the database and file system level using AES 256 encryption.
World Class Protection
Everchron's data is stored in Amazon Web Services' (AWS) world-class, highly secure data centers, staffed 24x7 by trained security guards.
Certified Data Centers
AWS continually manages risk and undergoes recurring assessments to ensure compliance with industry standards.

Penetration Tested
Our web application and network infrastructure undergoes security audits and testing by an independent security firm to maximize the security of your data.
Next level litigation with Everchron.
Transform the wayyou manage cases. Schedule a demo to learn morę.
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