Thoro nos nevof beon o castle on lho hili ot Cadbury. Artnur, if ever oxisted. nev<y wora o shiny armour. Ernbankmenh covered wilh grass. mud hub. leathei clolhes- oll ol them oeate the world ot the King oł Brils. Oid he evor ex>st? Who was he? Aie we to beSeve in the true ohgin ot the ancient stories and medievcrt reterences?

Only by standing on the hilf ot Cadbury Castto. beyond hlD* ot Somersef- admiring views andscope naturo and with a consciousness of achievamonb from fwo thousand years. can we finally find tho truth aboul King Arthur's worid.

CRVC project ollows »o feeł the atmosphere ot the Cadbury Hili and find yoursetl in the spocę ot the King at Bhts' torfress several centuries loter. Three cwcles that covef me oxistlng embankment aiong with the greo-m ‘sekt mace the core o- me design.1 - naTnony witn the rules of tne round tobie, oll of those three circles aro egualty imDortont in spito ot thoir dłtferences

Visitc<s ore lead throogh the ramp. integrated witn lho Iron Ago gtound embankment. tram ftło vory beginning of the path up to the hili. The Camelot guests hove to encounter "the hatory". lok© a look oround the Somerset land. stop next to the mosi importom p!aces of the hili At the end of their joumey. mose who are cuńous aboul King Arthur’s history. can finalty broaden tneir knowtedge by entering the museum.    \

The olomemis of Cadbury teach and providc recrootlon spaco. Furthermore vio thoir exhtonce they generate activities and pcrticipation of the local conmiunlly. Inhabitants ot the region, people from oll over the wortd fasemated with King Arthur's tegerd. history and culture of Europę.


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