mt Market Research EENi The Global 8usinesj School
Potential market: those in tne total population who nave interest in acquiring the praduct.
Available market: those in the potential market who have enough money :o buy the product.
Qualified available market: tnose in tne ava labie market who lega ly are permitted to buy the product.
-* Target market: the segment o£ tne qual fied ava labie market that the firm has decided to seive (the seived market).
Penetrated market: tnose in the ta^ęet market who have purchased tne product.
Market Research
The thrae questions dęta led below must be precisely answered by any company wishing to erter an e>:port market.
How to Export?
Where to Export?
What to Export ?
Market researah s a crucia part of marketing. It furnishes you with knowlecge of your cument, and potential custome^s. Armed with this knowledge you have tne potential to sell morę to them. Tne information tnat you acquire tram the market 'esearch pracess contributes to your marketing in fcur v ta ways:
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