To determine Ihe heat duły and latent hcat of Yaporizalion of steam and compare i( with Ihe valuc obtained from standard calculation.
In a vertical lube about 60% of the vapor condense in the vapor half of the tubę provided that the condensate film is following undergo eliminalion flow condition coefficienl in case of horizonlal condenser should be around and lerms of physical properties of condensate film characleristics dimensions and the temperaturę drńing lorce. The film co efficient for condensation over a horizonlal cylinder of outer diameter D is given by
Film coefficienl for condensation over n number of hori/onlal tubę of diameter D is given by K, = 0.729[glVX / N^uAT Do)'"
Q -> amount of heat transferred (W) m -> mass flow ratę ( kg / s )
Cp -> specific heat capacity of water ( kJ / kg K) co -> ratę of condensation ( kg / s )
A -> Lalenl heat of vaporizalion ( kJ / kg )
• Steam generator setup.
• Condenser in horizonlal type.
• Pump for pumping work with storage tank
• Thermocouple and thermometer.
• Steam generator is filled wilh water upto the maik.
• Program temperaturę is set at any value above 195 *C.
• Steam generator valve is dosed and supply power to produce steam.
• Continuous cold water supply is connected to the condenser.
• When the steam is formed cold water supply is started.
• Steam generator valve is opened and the condenser and stopwalch is started.
• The condensate is collected and measured.
• Inlel and oullet temperaturę of cold water is observed and recorded.