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Ieaching Language and Literaturę, sińce 1995 also as a lecturer in the School of the Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners. As a researcher she deals with problems related to the theory of reception of literaturę, Polish Romantic Literaturę, children’s literaturę and education. She has written over 30 articles and edited one book, Reading in Polish Education (Wrocław 2001). Currendy working at the Department of Slavonic Philology, University of Tampere.

JAN MIODEK (born in 1946), fuli professor and director of Polish Philology Institute (sińce 1989), director of the Polish Language History Division (sińce 2001), author of 14 books, over 500 scientific and popular science publications and 1700 parts of a weekly language section in Wrocław’s newspaper »Słowo Polskie», author of television programmes called »Ojczyzna polszczyzna» and »Professor Miodek talks».

PAIVI PALOPOSKI, MA, is a Polonist from the University of Helsinki, who lectures about translation, Polish culture and literaturę and society, and a specialist of information on Eastern Europę. She has worked in


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