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Untt 3 Day 5

Moth i    Applications of Linear Systems

SWBAT transJoto o wcrdpronlem Into a system ofllneur oqaonons ancj $otv0.

Stop 1: Road the praDtem Stop 2: Underline or hlghllght *he quest:on Stop 3: Doflno the varlablos (thoy are foand In the quostlon)

Stop 4: Roroad the problem and wrlte the equations Stop 5: Solve!

Asslgn fwo variab.'es for eoch problem, ond wr te the equattons. Solve.

t. Af a toy storo, the chłldren's dopartment hos bicycies and rricycles. There are 50 total, and 111 wheels. How man\ bJcyctes aro fhere?

--    Sof Ud:

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.    Eguations:

LetjQ_ = ^ CA- SoZćjul r ^    (Z')    °    -V "ło s ^T>_



Erin 0’Connor

Solvlng with Money

2. Anna has a pocker of dimes and guarters If sho han 10 colns worth $ l 45. how many of hor colns are quartors?



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Set Ud.


meetęoogię.con- o ihanng your icreen.

Stoc i-wrmg

1«XPM „ D * 4/1S/-W0    *23


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