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Sesester Es.im Rerów


Givmflicseqnajce3,12,48,192,... a    Write the recursróe rok for the setjueoce.

b. Write anotpłiat rak for the seqo«Ke.    e^VW^

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Wbat is flje 15* tecm?



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Wbat is the sum of fi* first ftfteeotenns of the segueaoe?


Givea fl* seąueoce 1,4y7,10,..

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Write the recursive rak for the seąueoce.


a. =

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b. Write an ocpłiat ruk for the sequeace

1 g ■^Lkś.mŁ VAXJM.X.t> a.C.g*.P.l.


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