1. A Weingarten etal (2016) Trom pnmed concepts to action: A meta-analysis of the behavioral effects of incidentally presented words" Psychological Bullebn 142 472-497 doi .10.1037/bul000Q03Q 0

2- A Bargh. J A & Cbartrand T L (2000) Reis. H . & Judd. C ed Studymg the Mind in the Middle A Practrcal Guide to Priming and Automaticity Research tn Handbook of Research lifethods in Sooal Psycholoęy New York. NY Cambridge University Press pp 1-39.

3    A Tulvmg Endel. Schacter. Daniel L Stark, Heather A (1982) “Pnming Effecis in Word Fragment Completion are independent of Recognition Memory" Journal of Expen mental Psycholoęy Leammg, Memory and Cogmtion. 8 (4).

4    A Bargh J A Gollwitzer. P M Lee-Chai A. Bamdollar. K & Trdtschel, R. (2001) The automated will nonconscious activation and pursuit of behavioral goals" Journal of Personahty and Social Psychology. 1014-1027. doi. 10.1037/0022-3514.81 6.1014,$

6 A Several researchers for example. have used cross-modal pnming to mvestigate syntactic deficits in indivłduals with damage to Brocas area of the brain See the following

•    Zunf E, Swinney D, Prather P. Solomon J. Bushell C (1993) "An on-line analysis of syntactic processmg in Broca’s and Wemickes aphasia” Bram andLanguage 45(3) 448-464 dor10 1006/brłn 1993 10540. PMID 82693340

•    Swinney. D E Zurif P Prather, and T Love (1993) The neurological distribution of processing operations underlying language comprehension ’ Manuscript. Department of Psychology University of Califorma. San Diego.

•    For an overview. see also Zurif E B (1995), "Brain Regions of Rele/ance to Syntactic Processing." in Knowledge of Meamng An Introduction to Semantic Theory. eds Richard Larson and Gabriel Sega) MIT Press

5    * a b Meyer p e Schvaneveldt R.W'. (1971) "Facilitation in recognizing pairs of words Evidence of a dependence between retneval operations" Journal of Expenmentai Psychology 90(2)' 227-234 doi:10 1O37/hOO315640.

7. A Friederici Angela D. Stemhauer Karsten Fnsch Stefan (1999) "Lexical integration Seąuential effects of syntactic and semantic Information Memory & Cogmtion 27 (3): 438-453 doi: 10 3758/BF03211539i£ ”Semantic priming refers to the findmg that word recognition is typically faster when the target y^ord <e g doctor) is preceded by a semantic3lly related pnme word (e g.. nurse) ~

8 a 3 b c d e t Mayr, Susanne Buchner Axel (2007) "Negati/e Pnming as a Memory Phenomenon. A Review of 20 Years of Negative Pnming Research" Journal of Psycholoęy 215(1) 35-

51 doi 10 1027/0044-3409 215 1.35ć>.

13    A Vaidya, Chandan L Monti Laura A Gabneli. John D E Tinklenburg. Jared R Yesevage. Jerome A (1999) "Dissociation between two forms of conceptual pnming m Alzheimer’s disease" (PDF) Neuropsychdogy 13(4) 516-24

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14    A Forster. Kenneth I: Davis. Chns (1984) "Repetition Pnming and Frequency Attenuation" Journal of Expenmental Psycholoęy: Leammg Memory and Cogmtion 10 (4)

15    A Ludovic Ferrand and Bons New. Semantic and associati.e pnming in the mental lexicon found on

bons new gcoglepages com/Semantic-final-2003 pdf

16    A Marsien-Wilson. William. Tyler. Lorraine Komisarje-/sky.

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17    A Foss. Donald (Apnl 23. 1982) "A dtscourse on semantic pnming” 0 Cognibire Psychology 14 590-607

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18.    A Matsukav/a. Junko, Snodgrass. Joan Gay: Doniger. Glen M. (2005) "Conceptual versus perceptual pnming in incomplete picture Identification" Journal of Psychohnguistic Research 34 (6)

19.    A a b Stano .ich. Keith E . West. Richard F (1983) "On Pnming by a Sentence Context" Journal of Expenmental Psychology 112 (1). 1-36. doi: 10.1037/0096-3445.1121 10 PMID 6221061 0

20    A Wotz; W' Wolff, P (1995) The effect of a masked stimulus on the response to the masking stimulus" Psychological Research 58 (2) 92-101 doi: 10 1007/bf005710980 PMID 74805120.

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22    A Vorberg D Mattler U Heinecke A Schmidt. T. & Schwarzbach. J Different fi me courses for uisual perceptior, and action pnming In Proceedmgs ofthe National Academy of Sciences USA. 100. 2003. p 6275-6280

23    A Schmidt T & Vorberg, D. Cnte.na for unconscious cogmtion Tnree types of dissociation In Perception & Psychophysics. 68. 2006. p. 489-504

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25    A Forster. KI Davis. C (1984) The density constramt on form-pnmmg in the naming task. Interference effects from a masked pnme" Journal of Memory and Language 30 (1) 1-25.

29    A * b Groves, Patncia S ; Bunch, Jacmda L : Cram Ellen; Farag, Amany Manges. Kirstin Perkhounkova. Yelena Scott-Cawiezell Jill (October 19. 2016) Pnming Patient Safety Tbrough Nursing Handoff Communication ASimulation Pilot Study"0 Western Journal of Nursing Research 39 (11) 0193945916673358

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36    A Geva, A . Moscovitch. M Leach, L (1997) "Perceptual pnming of proper names m young and older normal adults and a patient with prosopanomia” Neuropsychology 11 (2) 232-242

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40    A Wig GS: Grafton. ST Demos. KE: Kelley. WM (2005) 'Reductions in neural activity underlie behavioral components of

43    A Gabneli, J DE. Poldrack, RA Desmond, JE. (1998), The role of left prefrontal cortex in language and memory" 0 PNAS 95(3) 906-913 Bibcode: 1998PNAS 95 9O6G0

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44    A Dehaene. S: Naccache. L Le Clec'h. G: Koechlin E; Mueller. M: Dehaene-Lambertz, G \ten De Moortele PF Le Bihan D (1998) "Imaging unconscious semantic pnming" Jq (PDF) Naturę. 395 (6702) 597-600 Bibcode 1998Natur395 5S7D0

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45    a a b c d e i gargh John A: Chen Mark: Burrows Laura (1996) "Automaticity of Social Beha.ior Direcl Effects of Trait Construct and Stereotype Activation on Action". Journal of Personahty and Social Psychology 71 (2) 230-44 doi 10 1037/0022-3514.71.2 2300. PMID 87654810.

46    A (see Ironie process theory for a morę in-depth discussion of this phenomenon)

47    A Bargh, JA; Williams. E L (2006) The Automaticity of Social Life' 0 Current Directions m Psychological Science 15(1) 1-4 doi 10 1111 /j.0963-7214.2006 00395 x0. PMC 2435044 0 PMID 18568084 0

48    A Williams. Lawrence: Bargh. John (2008). 'Expenencing physical warmth promotes psychological warmth" Science. 322 (5901) 606-607 Bibcode:2008Sci 322. 6O6V\'0

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49    A Cox. William T. L. Abramson Lyn Y. Devine. Patncia G..

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50    A B Bo.ver (2012) The hot and cold of pnming Psychologists are dwided on whether unnoticed cues can influence behavior Science News. 181, The Hot and Cold of Pnmmg0

51    A J b Doyen S . Klein O . Pichon, C L . Cleeremans, A (2012) "Behavioral priming it's all in the mmd. but whose mind?" 0. PLoS ONE. 7 (1) e29Q81 Bibcode 2012PLoSO 729O81D0

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53    A PsychFileDrawer (2013) Replicability of Social and goal pnming findings0

54    A Peter bntelle, Sensory Marketing Aspects (2014) j*


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