Punjabi University, Padała

B.Sc. (Botany) Part-III (SEMESTER V)


Max. Marks: 55 marks    Total Tcaching hours: 45

Pass Marks: 35% in Theory and Practical Separatcly Time Allowed: 3 Hours Theory Paper: 40 marks Intemal Assessment: 15 marks

Objective of the paper is to inipart knowledge to students about the functional aspects of plant metabolism in relation to its dynamie environment.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR TIIE PAPER SETTER The qucstion paper will consist of thrcc scctions A, B and C. Scction A and B will have four questions from the respective section of syllabus and will carry 6 marks each. Seetion C w ill consist of 8 short-answer type questions (8-10 lines) of 2 marks each which w ill cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 16 marks in all.


Candidates are required to attempt two questions from each section A and B and the entire section C, which is compulsory.


1.    Plant-watcr relations: Im porta ncc of water to plant lifc: dilTusion and osmosis: absorption. transport of water and transpiration; mechanism of stomatal opening and closing.

2.    Minerał nutrition: Essential macro- and micro- elements and their role: minerał uptake; dcfieicney and toxicity symptoms.

3.    Transport of organie substanccs: Mechanism of phlocm transport: source-sink relationship: factors affecting translocation.

4.    Basics of enzymology: Discovery and nomenclature: characteristics of enzym es: conccpts of holocnzymc, apocnzymc, cocnzymc and cofactors; regulation of cn/.ymc acth ity: mechanism of action.


5.    Photosynthcsis: Signiileance: historical aspects: photosynthctic pigments; action spectra and enhancement ettect: concept of two photosystems: Z-scheme: photophosphorylation: Calvin cycle: C4 pathway; CAM plants: photorespiration.

6.    Rcspiration: ATP- tlić biological cncrgy eurreney: acrobic and anaerobie respiralion: Krcb's cycle: clcctron transport mechanism (chcmi-osmotic theory) rcdox potcntial: oxidative phosphorylation; pentose phosphate pathway.

7.    Nitrogen metabolism: Biology of nitrogen fixation: importance of nitrate reducatse and its regulation: ammonium assimilation.

8.    Lipid metabolism: Strueture and lunction of lipids: fatty acid biosynthesis: fl-oxidation: saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.


1.    Deimis, D.T.. Iurpin. D.IL. Lefevre. D.D. and Layzelk D.B.(eds.) 1997, Plant Metabolism (2nd Edition). Longman. Essex. England.

2.    Galston. A.W. 1989. Life Processes in Plants. Scientific .American Library. Springer. Yerlag, New York. USA.



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