Przekład: Piotr Kondraciuk
Roman Czmelyk
The Polish-Ukrainian Borderland: the Protection of a Cultural Heritagc at the Point of a Junction of Cultures
At the beginning of the 1990s a geopolitical situation in Europę was changed fundamentally. In different parts of Europę the contrary processes took place: whereas the Western Countries became integrated in economical. political and inilitary spheres. the Southern and Eastem Countries tried to acquire a thorough independence in each sphere in tlie highest degree. The forming of an own statehood was imariably connected with a growth of social consciousness. a maximum intensification of the feeling of national pridc and an activization of liistorical memory. A recapture of independence by Ukrainę creates new possibilities and perspectives for the Polish-Ukrainian relations. One of the most posithe aspects is a possibility of telling tlie truth. revealing pieces of source infonnation as well as disposing "blanks" in history. The author indicates difficulties in the sohing of liistorical conflicts and functioning stercotypes. He also remarks on an important role of mass media in a formation of posith e news. In Czmełyk's opinion the principal tasks tliat stand before Polish and Ukrainian nations. are an achievement of a mutual recognition of liistorical experiences. an evaluation of conflict situations and reducing them to a common denominator of the Europcan value system basing on the Christian philosophy of life. As a model of a constructive coopcration in the frontier territories for lasl fifteen years the author holds up an activity of Polish and Ukrainian cultural-educational institutions. especially museums which realize numerous common exhibition projects. conferences. seminars. do together studies on a cultural heritage of both nations. organize an exchange of scientists and conservators. Tlie acthity of these institutions in tlie Polish-Ukrainian borderland makes a consolidating and intcgrating factor. forming a creativc basis for a development of good-neighbourly relations between Poland and Ukrainę.
Translatcd by Joaima Paczos