56 Zuzanna Wiorogórska

the librarians. The number of publications using the term “culture de 1 Information" was two times less. Ihe term “culture informationelle" was used even morę infrequently.

5. National undertakings in the domain of IL - a short review 5.1. ILin France

In 1982 seven URFIST Centres (Regional Centres for Education in Scientific and Tech-nical Information) were created by the Ministry of National Eduaction, Research and Technology. Their aim was to promote information training, providing professional edu-cation, particularly in new information technologies. Still, URFIST units are very active in the training of professionals (known in the literaturę also as training for trainers jormation deformateurs) (Candalot Dit Casaurand, 2004; Chevillotte & Colnit, 2(K)7; Juanals, 2003).

In 1997 the “The Deug Reform" was introduced in France (DEUG - Le diplóme detudes universitaires generales). This new law marked an important step in the history of information literacy education in France (Blin, 2008). It accelerated the process of integrating the information training (In formation a Vinformation) into curricula.

In 1999 the “Bologna Agreement" - the reform of the studies at the European level was introduced in France. It helped to embed IL courses into the curricula. This caused them to be integrated as part of academic education (Chevillotte & Colnot, 2007).

Also in 1999 a service FORMIST (FORMation a Tlnformation Scientifique et Tech-nique - Training in the Use of Scientific and Technical Information) was launched by the French National School for LIS (LNSSIB). This is freely accessible Online platform with the pedagogical and scientific resources on IL. It works on three axis: production and dissemi-nation of educational materials, training of trainers, and information watch. As Chevillotte and Colnot (2007) write, many of the pedagogical resources are published thanks to the financial and institutional support from the State. FORMIST was also contributing the In-foLit Global Directoryl database, so the resources in French were internationally available and the guidance to information literacy can be useful in other countries. Moreover, sińce 2000, FORMIST has been organi/.ing the annual conferences, called Rencontres FORMIST (en. FORMIST Meelings) to exchange ideas among French and foreign professionals.

In 1999-2000 the methodology modules (Fr. unites denseignement) were introduced into the academic curricula and in most cases became compulsory. This caused the rein-forcement of library training and engaged the academic Staff to cooperate with libraries. The complex training was organized and held together by the library and teaching stali. T his also brought the opportunity to increase the length of courses (Blin, 2(X)8; Ministere de TEducation Nationale, de la Recherche et de la Technologie, 1999).

In 2005 the survey on IL training at universities was conducted (Noel & Cazaux, 2005). It showed that after introducing the Bologna Agreement, morę and morę courses were embedded into the curricula.

Morę information on IL undertakings in France can be found in literaturę (see: Blin, 2008; Chevillotte & Colnot, 2007; Serieyx, 1993).

Infolit Global Directory ceased to exist in mid-2013.


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