i <+~?


The r«e©nt visit of the PoTish Primo Minister, liir. Mikołajczyk to ohe Jnibod States, jfrom wher© ho has just returned, ha o srjoumi euuued many interesting commnts In th© /jorlosn pross . According to Associated Proas roporta <xMc'AajEń±Jr^6ut M. Mikołajczyk mado such good personal irapreasion at the Y/hite Housa, not only with Mr and Mra Rooaevelt, hut- also with !\1r. £tettiniUB and obher i«*41ng?: *ic®riB*ii offlciala, th€\fc ^uuoijcileii hoped & rapproehenont may bo ©ffected between th© Polish and £ovl©t CJovern©ne>nto through the good officea


of Washington.

In fact, the whole viaiu was l great persona! suctess afor M. Mikołajczyk about whom Mrs. Roos©vełt hercelf w roto in hep

coluian "My Day":.....” I found hhr. ver;/ interestIng to talk to and

my edmlretlop for th© way ln which his pcopl© hav© fche courag© to plan for th© futur© grows aaily,..."

Walter Lippnann also wrót© cn intereating oomment in the New York Herald Trlbune ^hen h© ©rophnsftsed that the war cannct b© finished nithout th© Indus ion of the kwuuifc Pclish -and pranch <łOvernomento in tho oounc.il s of th© United Ha tlona. H.ith the chaira of Prane© and Poland ▼acant there will be no cour.cil et all," writ©s M. Lippmann , md he stresBes th© nccessitj of establishing tho frontlera of Poland.

A© regarda thia ^©licnto ąuentlon the Ne*** j.ork Times and the New York Herald Tribun© of June 9th published an lntenrlew v,ith frofeosor Lang© who freouently ąuoted £t&lin# but would not <£&**&*&


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