- £ -


1'iiat is why the endeavours to co-ordinate the policy of the great r^powers and to invite the collaboration of smaller powera already

Ig ~    j

in the course od the war have a *frfre<nei*3LOt»» impdhtance foiVTuture

dhe responsibility od the great power,

7^ \£^i    ^v*v_________ _

i aoaao **t±-oh tboy-harc ei eaie^uar liiife ^ho

^-vovh. ^A-eĆA*t-t*ry\ 'XCg~ł*shJC    ^ o»'LJI

A j^uuunia aita lfeeodem ^r-al^-jia-trionc- and, .H)h^vdrQedoDi vt the indivi-

dcCTh Ł^Kl.ł^'oJUaj jBOt^

L. „ I .01

dual throughout the world. -

This aim can be achieved,howevor,only a

^ CL

id rtrblie- o

gniiiad by m miwlc^ru



opinien iu

Undortanatoly the public opinion iB frecuently induced to accept

&vv/ oua^    fn'- )

^affentirely false view( Europęt taGtotiis^Toland.

1 ai dully share the admiration .c-Yoksii by the heroizm soviet

soldiers.dighting in the defence od their country against^ihyaderlf^

kM . . I also appreciate the realism of LIarshal Stalin,miiaMp**can>a^tafr$»

'    " theągp^ of th o-ao t i ri t y -tri world Communism, by his orderai

.1 am adraidtneverthelesB,that public opinion may be bitterly

disappointed when it discovers that the widely puuliciaed Bocial

changes and the alleged democratisation of Russia are in fact

nothing but a combination of old Russian imperialiści with communist


totf which has not abandoned its former ambition od world rule.

u. t-t vu£j


i'o testri^-to the existence>ei democrocy (''-ras-i^t^irs sometimes

where deoiocracy doeB^hQ^Xexist and - I ani airaid - will not be


for a longytime td\come - may result in profound disappoint-

;anda a&enćles of the hnglish-speaking nationB -

ment and misdoartune.es

in conseatfenoe to pass / Jj L-l


X. d><y

_• ■ J , ; p-i-w 111 ii %.

spr the nations which may be compelled


a re

which does not admit -p*. ranna!

may also reoyŁt iii—«iBappeintmon* do* ^mjt^rnf^circleB,

•which expect ^ł<^£T~trado relatione in the duturer^h^y* may dind

that goods delivered without a right of free distribution may be

) declared to be home produced an5^even possibly^used as a weapon of

• competition in other markets.The deepeat di sapp p o in tmen w i 11 bo

that od the working claas^whirehTfc* now finrirmw^aią^tho illiniiun LHaL ‘ytrttA- ckj\ji    n nf)    6^ i^JL*


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