boost. vitamin supplemcnts; ovet-thc-countcr, quality of life; cxaggcrat-ing; minerał water, exerdsc; cxerase; walk; slccp
l.Thereare 2.1tis 3. Iris 4. Thcrcare 5. Thcre is 6. Iris 7. Thcre are 8. lt is; thcre u
1. Do you have/eat rcgular mcals? 2. How many meals do you usually have? 3. What time do you havc your last big meal? 4. Do you have/cat anything between mcals? 5. Do you sugar your tea5 6. Do you cat fresh vegetablcs? 7. What about fruit? Do you cat a lot of fruń? 8. What about biscuits, sweets and candy? 9. Do you smokc? 10. How many cigarettes a day do you smokc? 11. What about coffee and alcohol? Do you dtink coffec and alcohol?
against; in, down; on; for, with; for, in
1.dependson 2. cnrich ... with 3. protcct... against 4. responsiblc for hcalthy metabobsm 5. assists in the absorpuon of 6. slow down aging pioccsscs; cruual for 7. is deficicnt in iron
to help rcgulatc metabolism; to assist in forming bones; to convcrt fat and carbohydrates into cncigy; to promotc mcntal and physkal well-bc-ing; to rcversc prcmaturc aging; to ncutralisc frec radicals; to kcep the skin noutishcd
1. nothing can actually rcw^sc prcmaturc aging 2. vitamins and minera Is help convert fat and carbohydrates into energy 3. neutralises frec radicals 4. assists in forming bones 5. help tegulate metabolism
6. A hcalthy diet is believed to promotc mcntal and physical wdl-bcing
7. kcep the skin noutishcd
Unit 14
i • . •
1. Hivc you ever had a skin analysis? 2. Whcn was it? 3. Do you re-mcmber what u showcd? 4. What dcncc wcre you thcn ueated with? 5. How long did the treatment take? 6. \Xferc you satisfied with the results of the treatment? 7. What cream did the bcauty therapist tell you to use?
8. Wctc the cffects satisfactoty and durnble? 9. How did your skin fcd?
1. attend 2. havc bcen; am going to visit 3. visitcd; was; is otgamjed; 4. have bcen; always find. S. was walking; looking; was drawn 6. askcd; showed 7. am going to buy 8. has arrived; arc installing; will bcgin
a. I. cvaluatc; droose; asscss 2. dcans; moistens; expands; eliminate; sumulate 3. sterilises; disinfects; moistunscs b. 1. dcans; remove$; mas-sages 2. sdmulates; oxygerutr, decongest 3. analyse; cvaluate; slww, dctcct; 4. deanse; suck