w. -h£/s
I do for you? - Czym mogę ^ ?.»: służyć?
Alice speaking - mówi Alice prefcrably -najchętniej it ii all right/fme'OK sdth '
On tbtplmt - Aha, tlx rtttphomst (R), cuda dk«/ (Q
Can 1 help yóuT/What can I do for wxi? - Cirro moce 1
iM,.| in (en daj?' linie.- u 10 djn Can I haw... - ay mogę ‘I; pronćo
& just in ca»e - na wjzeiki •
; unfottuiutetY - motety ■jr l‘m afraid it’j impossible
Vi|;, .-obawiam się,«to niemożliwe
«• Do belp me! - Prosię mi
pomóc' . •"
it's an emergtncy - to . wy/ętkowa sytuacja . \v
to look nipersonk ' ^ v - wygadać wystrzałowo cAiicelUtion -odwhnie spotkania oevcr miml nie łiu m co youYejtut lucky - ma paUtir ‘*
po prortu szczęce howarc)x>u todajtf- Jak się 2 pantfpan dzisiaj auje? ,*>/. •
.* IfccUbittcnscandstiff- ^
'•I. czuję się spięli i zesztywniała ' i massage of choicc
i -:r najlepszy masaż (z wyboru! , conditioo - stan
ilUdesigoed to.;'.-nu ria
jj •• celu : " V; .Ą'-'- .
to release tension
| , - tozladować/znmiejszyć
*{[£ to Improre flexlbilitv -• zwiększyć giętkok prepare yoursclf - proszę się |l ' przygotować
to undress - rozebrać się; ' to remów jewellcry - zdjęć
R: Tip-Top Bcauty Studia Good morning. Can I help you?
C; Good morning Iwona Got speakmg I'm calling about a facul.
R: Whcn woukl you likc to have it?
G On Wedncsday ncxt week, prefcrably after 4 pm.
R: Coulditbc5J0?
G Ycs. 5:30 is all right with me.
R: Fint Wre cipecung you at 5 JO next Wedncsday.
G Thank you. Byc.
R: Tip-Top Beauty Studia Good morning What can I do for you?
G Good morning. Wanda Brand spcalung I’m afraid I must cancel my appointmcnt with Jack, the massage therapist. I’m in bed with acold.
R: I’m really sorry. Would you like to make another appointment?
G Ycs, plcast Could it be m ten days* ume?
R: Ycs, of courst What about Monday, the 3rd of April?
G Monday, the 3rd of ApnJ, is fine with mt What timc can I come? R: Jack can receńre you at 14:15 or at 15:45 pm.
C: I prefer 15:45.
R: Sa . you have an appointment with Jack. Can I have your name once agam, pkast G My name 's Wanda Brand.
R: And your telephone number, just in case.
G Irt 822 67 39.
G Ann Korcz speaking Is Sandra working today? I must see bet R: Do you have an appointment, Mis Korcz?
G Unforlunatcly,Idont R: Weil... She can sec you next week.
C: Next week?i No! I must see a bcauty therapist today yet.
R: Today? I’m afraid it*s impossibit
G Do liclp me! lt's an cmetgency. I am on telcvuion tomorrow morning I must look supersonic!
R: Let mc chcck it agam if there a any chancc... Weil... thcre is a can-cdladon at stx. Arc you coming?
C Of couise, I am. Thank you so much. .
R; Ncver mind. Youre just łucky.
Jad. tbe massagt ibcra/Mil (JJ, and a di tut (Q
' Good morning, Mrs Bono. How are you today?
O Fint Thanks, Jack. But I fed a bit tense and sdff.
J: So... I rccommcnd a dccp óssuc massagc.
O Do you? Arc you surc?
J: Ycs. It is the massagc of choicc in your condioon. It is designed to rdcasc tension and improve flciibiiity.
0 I just want to relaa. You'rc a spccialist.
J: This dccp pressure massagc focuscs on spccific groups of musclcs.
It aiso indudes somc passive strctching work.
O OK. Go ahcadl I always fed better after a visit to you.
J: Coułd you prepaie yoursdf, pleasc. Undrcss, rcmovc all jeweiJeiy and lic down on the massagc tabfc.
1. Tell why the dknt (Dioltfnt a) is calling and what is auanged.
2. Tell why the client (Diahftu b) is calling and what is arranged.
3. Tell why Mrs Korca must sce a bcauty therapist today.
4. Tell what massagc Mrs Bono is having and why?
1. Rcproducc the four conversarions
2. Pracbse similar conversations in pirs