§? ' . ; " i
over-thc-<ounter nwdtclncj . (OTC) - leki dostępne b«
'•ff "“P7
; I;* prescription - reccpu j !■j raouth-usti
ovcr a longcr period of dnie
- pan diutoy okres czasu to provide - tu- dawać.
zapewniać solutlon - roztwór
» alcohol • based - oparty n# ;
‘Hf i alkoholu
. J J d|: to distingulsh - rozróżniać ]• [> .* mild - bgoi’
; : prescnce - obccnoić
i supcrficiii - powiendmiowy ' . - j dccp-seatcd - głęboko josadzopy j '$f{ nurłced - wyraiity, duży 1 rjr^Ą to spread - fu: rozciągać się ? ara-ramię
Si i} almoU exdusivcly - pawie
f * wyłącznie
iUJlJK giant - gigantyczny, olbrzymi obsccss - ropień i ; : respoiue to sth - reakcja na
put-filkd - wypełniony ropą • '» ulcrotize - miodowy
crustcd - pokryty skorupą ferer - goi saka
*(*•- adoleKcnt - osoba w wieku dojrzewania
'' " to overcoroc (overcame,
, orwonjf) - przezwyciężyć .
defcct - ióda, defekt to conceaJ • zatuszować
6. Thete mc few creatments for acne.
7. Hoimonal pttpnations arc most cffcctivc in treating acnc in both males and females.
8. Acnc can appear at any age.
9. Acnc is not a Health threat so it does noc upset people.
10. The pnncipaJ goal of acnc treatment is to hcaJ ejcisdng Icsions.... U. Anti-acnc medteation is only systemie and availablc on
12. Thcrc is no single anti-acnc medicinc which can help cvexy acnc paneni.
13. Thete is morę than one cype of acnc.
14. A beauty therapist can only help conceal the skin defects caused by acne.
Coinplctc the following scntcnccs with \vords ftom Tcxt 2. •
1. Androgens control s.................. g.................. by direct
hormonal sdmulaoon.
2. Acne vulgans occurs mainly on the f................... the
b...................the d»...............y. and thesh..................
3. There are numerous i..................lesions.
4. The noninflammatory papules arc callcd c...................
5. Open comcdones ate called b.................. and dosed ones
6. Cysts and s..................may also occut.
7. On mason, puscular and cysoc lesions prodoce p..................
e.................. •
1. Acnc chciapy is c..................and p.....t............
2. Modernte to severe acne vu!gariś should be treated by
d..................and c..................
3. Acnc therapies indude the Application of L.................
a...................i..................and d..................of cysric
lesions and u..................thetapy.
4. Antibioocs aie prescribed to teducc frec f..................
a..................on the skin.
5. Antibncterial agents soch as bcnzoyl p...„.............
L.................and g..................are very effecuvc and widely
. used.
6. H..................prepatations can be gjven only to femalcs.
7. No particułar foods hm any effect oo the c..................and
s..................of acne vulgaris. .
1. Acne does not producc a serious bcalih th..................but it can
lead !o d—.............and s..................
2. Current as well as penmnent skin changes caused by acne can be
u..................to people affccted by the d..................
3. The goals of acne treatment are to h..................the eaisting
lesions, stop ncw I..................Łom forming, p...............•...
scatring and m..................the psychological stress and etnbar-
rassment a..................with the syndrome.
4. Ticatment can be t..................or s..................
5. There are a few ovcr-the-counter medidnes which can be appbcd
topically, that is d..................to the acne I..................
6. Therearealsos...........!......medidneswhicharep..................
by a doctor and taken by m............................
7. To become effeeuw the mcdicmes should be a regularly ovcr a longer period of time.
Exercise 2
Turn thcsc statements into ąuestions.
1. Scbaceous glands are disuibuted only on the face and the scalp.
Are .................................................................. ?
2. Scbaceous glands are controlled by androgens
Whathormoncs ................................ ?
3. Acne mlgans affects mosdy the face, the back, the chest and the shoulders.
Which parts of the body .......................................... ?