huc - podstawi scnraal - zmysłowy hlnt - aluzja, dotknięcie il li wortlmhilc lo do sth

-    warto coś zrobić

to illuiulnate - rozświetlić over thewboU... - tu całej powierzchni... arch-łuk

If you f«l like (doing t(h) -jeśli masz ochotę (zrobić, • coś) ;    ;

Inslde cortKT - wewnętrzny kąak

undcrneatli - poniżej

outer eytbrow - zewnętrzna

część loko brwiowego

lo accentuatc - podkreślić,


czcn further - jeszcze


rectangle - prostokąt to go past - przekraczać to oatlinc - zarysować, podkreślić kształt to lengthen wydłużyć to Yolumlsc - pogrubić, nadać gęstości

to mminc - tir przyjrzeć się to consider neccasary

-    uważać za konieczne -f. no mattcr what.. - bez względu na to. co...

to dictatc - dyktować

The aim « ałways to achieve even, luminous compłexion with a nat-ural bok. It is usually necessary to reducc the shine in the T-20nc by a few touches of loose powder but you should not touch the checkbones which should tetain a slżght shinc. If you want to enhancc the radiance of checkbones, you should appły a blusher ftom the top of the checkbones to the baje of the hair. The lips should bok sensual, fresh and soft. You can achicve this effect by ustng a proper lspstick and adding a hint of shine by applymg a lighter lip gloss. It is always wordiwhtle to lllummate the cyes with an eyeshadow applied over che whołe eyelid up to the cycbtow arch. If you fecl like imenstfying the effect, you may ap-ply the lightest shade of the eyeshadow to the mside corner of the eye and tlić underneath of the outer eyebrow. You may want to acccntuate the effect even further by dtawmg a rectangle around the cyc. However, be careful not to go past the outer corner of the cyc to prevent jt from looking too aggressivc. Thcn you usually proceed to oudining the cyes with a linę of comour eyepcncil applied to the base of the eyekshes and finish with mascata. If you fed a need for lengthenmg the eyelashcs and volumising them, you should bok for a mascata with a iengthcrung--yolumising formula. !t ss always advisable to seek a soft lipliner coor-dinated with the lipsock to shape the mouth. It will make the lspstick bok even bettec Once you have firushed, you should always eaamuie your work as a wholc and add whatever finał touches you consider ncces-saty. .    *

Every next ycar, evety ncxt season bnngs somc new trends also in make-up However, no matter what fashbn dictates, make-up should, in the fust place, enhancc the pcrsonality of the woman and highlight her image.

Rcad the following statements. Are they ttuc (T) or false (F)? Commcnt and cxpand on them.

1.    Womcn havc always used somc kind of make-up to atuact

the opposite sex and it has not changed.    * ...

2.    Make-up counselling u concerned only with the chotce of colouts to be used.

3.    The art of good make-up consists mainly in obtaining a look which would attract attentbn.

4.    There is no difference between daytime make-up

and evening make-up    K

5.    The nudę face is no challenge for a make-up artist. It is an effect easy to achiew.

6.    Differeni aieas of the face rccjuite a different approach.

7.    A blusher always looks unnatural.

8.    The cyes should ałways be givcn a lot of attenuon.

9.    The chotce of the ptopcr nuke-up products u of crucial importance.

10. Fashion is tlić most importam in the choice of make-up.


Exercise 1

* ./ * “ . . 1

Group the nouns ghren below in List L Thcn add the adjecdvcs from List 2. If you know any other makc-up rclated words, add them to your list.

List 1

mascara • cake mascata • bpsdck • concenler • powder • lip balm • eyeshadow base • ejreUner brush • sponge applicator • lip gloss • comour eyeliner • lip penal • curved brush • blusher • eyependl • łash brush • lip brush • blusher brush • cyc shadow

Ust 2

dumping resistant • vohimismg • smudgeproof • waterproof • transluccnt • opalescent • shimmering • soft • compact • hard • moistuńsing • rich • light • natutal • black • pressed • brown • creamy • transparent • curling • Joase • irridescent • glossy • maa • colourcd • sheer • volumc-maximising • sensitive





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