rody, you can...................Don’t overdo things.Thc masssge should
bc ddicate and take no morę than a minutc or twa You...................
Also, ncvcr forgct to uidudc your neck. It nccds aa much attention a*
your face. Whcn you’ve finished with thc massage, r..................and
finally p...................
Exercise 6
Match Column A with Column B. Study the vocabulary and thcn usc it to complctc thc tcxt bciow.
A |
B |
to sparc |
thc open pores |
toavoid |
thc skin of the face and the neck |
tobuy |
thc skin of the face |
toappiy |
adryingeffcct |
todose |
money on high - quality cosmetics |
to have |
the dry cheek areas |
to condition |
alcohol-free toners |
to moisten |
a crcam appropnaie for thc skin |
to nourish |
thc debcate skin around the eyes |
Thcrc atc a few ndcs that cvety woman should follow. First of alJ, ncvcr s...................
thc quality and appropriatcncss that muter. Don1! usc just any toner.
Alcohol-bascd toners h...................Always b...................The
toner is to .....................................but should not dry or ir-
ritate the skin. Whcu applying it, remember to a...................Usc
it to c..................bcforc you ptoceed to m..................and to
n .................. Remembct also how important the sclection of
thc right crcam is. Consult your bcauty therapist, test samples and a..................
Siudy thc namcs of the facia! crcams given bclow. Thcn rccom-mend one of thern to a clicnt as in the cxample whicli foliowa.
krem nadzień
krem na noc
krem pod oczy
krem nawilżający
krem nawilżający
krem odżywczy
krem dodcniający
krem ujędrniający
krem zapobiegający starzeniu
krem odmładzający
krem regenerujący
krem rozjaśniający
krem rcwitalizujący
krem łagodzący
krem matujący
krem normalizujący
serum liftingujące
krem ochronny
day crcam night crcam cyc crcam
moisturising crcam/moisturiscr
hydrating crcam
noodshing crcam
oxidising crcam
firming crcam
anti-aging crcam
timc-rcvcrsing crcam
regencrating/rcgcncrative crcam
illuminating crcam
rcvitalising crcam
soothing crcam
mattifying crearn
balancing crcam
lifting serum
protective crcam
Lumpie: I suggest you should usc a balancing crcam. It will restorc balance to your skin, drying thc oily T-zone and moisturising thc dry cheek attas. 1 2 3 4 5
The bat crcam for you will be ................................
1 If you want your skin to fecl comfortabłe you should .....
Your skin tends to you should apply
At this time of thc year your skin nccds ....................
so I would recommcnd................................................
lVe noticed that your skin is ................../there aic somc
.................. on/around your .................. I suggat you
should ............................................'.....................