
A player who commits thc same otfcnce a sccond timc in thc same gamc may havc to forfeit thc gamę (sec bdow).

A player who rcccivcs thrcc warnings in a single day of a tournament niay be disqualiiicd (sec bclow).


Playcrs arc cxpcctcd to know thc rulcs of thc gamę, and may not chcat in any way, or through inaction allow a situation that is against thc rulcs. If a player su&pccts that their opponent is cheating. they must inform a judge.

A player tound to be cheating may have to forfeit thc gamę at the discrction of thc judge. or be cxpcllcd from thc tournament at thc discrction of thc organiscr (sec Pcnaltics. bdow).


Playcrs arc cxpcctcd to register promptly. and to ńnd their opponent in a timcly fashion when cach pairing is announccd. Playcrs who taił to do so may havc to forfeit thc gamę in qucstion at the discrction of thc judge. or be cxpellcd from thc tournament at thc discrction of thc organiscr.


Depending on how formal you want to your cvcnt to be. you may dccidc to use somc or all of thc penalties dcscribcd herc. Whatcver you dccidc. you should let your playcrs know what penalties will be uscd at your cvcnt and when.


A judge can issue a warning to a player if they arc judged to have committcd a minor otfcnce (cxamplcs might indudc dclaying thc gamę. not giving an opponent a chancc to react or unsporting conduct. but it is up to thc judge to determine thc scvcrity of thc otfcnce).


The judge can rulc that a player must forfeit a gamc if they arc judged to havc committcd a major otfcnce (cxamplcs might indudc having two copies of a card in their deck. moving a tighter when they arc not permitted to or in a way which isn’t permitted or disrupting thc State of thc gamc by moving tokens and/or cards. but it is up to thc judge to determine thc scvcrity of thc otfcnce). A judge can also rulc that a player must forfeit a gamc for persistent minor otfcnccs. or for arriving latc (or not at all) for a gamc.

A player who forfeits a gamc in this way rccords thc gamc as a loss with a glory points ditfercncc of -7. unless their currcnt glory points ditfercncc would be worsc than this (e.g. -8. -9). The other player rccords thc gamc as a win with a glory points ditfercncc of +7. unless their currcnt glory points ditfercncc would be higher than this.

If a judge rulcs that thc same player must forfeit a sccond gamc. they may considcr disqualifying that player from thc tournament (sec bdow).


lite judge can rulc that a player is disqualiiicd from thc tournament for persistent minor or major otfcnccs. for rude or threatening bchaviour to any other participant. for any attempt to nianipulatc thc tournament rcsults through collusion. bribery or ddiberatcly throwing a gamc. or for any other otfcnce dccmcd scvcrc cnough by thc judge to warrant disqualiiication.

A player who is disqualihed is rcmovcd front thc rankings. Ihcir scorc is not countcd. and they rcccive no prizes or reward for participation.


A participant may be cxpcllcd from a WU tournament at thc sole discrction of thc cvcnt organiscr. The participant must lcavc thc cvcnt and if they arc a player they arc disqualińed as dcscribcd abovc.


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