Q5. (A)
ii) Display the departmer.t nair.c, maaimum. provk!ent fund amount and tccal of ihe proeident fund amount grouped as per department
iii) Display the employee number. narne of the employee and proeident fund amount whera rhe provldent fund amount Is above ihe aeerago prowdent fund amour-t.
iv) Display a!l the rows from this labie where the employee r.umber is
dhrisible by 5.
QP Codę : 1391
There erlsts a tanie EMPLOYEES with coiumns for employee Id (EMP.ID, integer), employee nan* (EMP.NAME. character), |ob id (IOB.ID, character). manager id (MCRID, Integer), salary (SAI, numeric), and lilie datę (H DATĘ. dato). Wrltc MySQL ąuerles for the folio wing.
i) Display all the roivs from this table.
II) Display the narr.e and hire datę of all employew who do not havcO manager. , ^
iii) Display the employee name labaled as "Karne of the EmploiS?" and
salary iabeled aj 'Moathly Sałaty from. the table. t>>
iv) Display the employee Id, |ob id and salary of emplowęrsehose
manager id is 505 or SOD. "y/ '
v) Display the employee id. employee naire and sakry of empfayees
whOM the sałaty ls 2S.COO or morę. vs) Display all the rows In thedcsccndlr-g ordtofhire datę. v.l) Display all the rows where the second le^er :n the employee namels'H". A y-
11. jiv. i.
(a) The folki wing data has becn cntęrea In a worksheet.
Write the v.eps to obtain
i) HRAas 25% of Ute Basic or 10.000 wh!chever is less In column C
ii) ,DAas 110% ol the Basic rounded ta the nearest integer tn’
•^cółumn D.
<Ji)TOTAL as BASIC+DAf-HRA Incolumn E.
iv) TAX as 33 3% ofTOTAL in column F.