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N. B. : (l) Ali questio:is arc compulsory.
(2) Figurcs to the right indicale fuli markś.'
(3) Draw ncat diąerams whercvcr ncccssary.
| Total Marks : 75
Attempt any two of the following
(a) Explain the diftercr.oes bćtweeo public and privatc finance.
(b) Critically cxaminc the Principle of Maximum Social Advantage.
(c) What is sound finance? Discuss the featurcs of sound fmanco^"
Attempt any two of the following
(a) Discuss the various sourccs of tax rcveauc.
(b) Outlinc the merits and deincrits of direct taxcs. ę,
(c) What is impset and incidence of taxation?^lng out their differcnccs.
i. Attempt any two of the following Jy
(a) What are the causes for inerease in public cxpcnditure?
(b) Discuss the various types of publk^Jcbt.
(c) Explain the import&nt fcaturcs^of-PRRM Act, 2003.
I. Attempt any two of the followin^p
(a) Kxplain the componenj^of unorganised scctor of Indian rr.oriey market.
(b) Discuss the role^tapital market in cconcinic dcvclopmcr.t of a country. ^
(c) Outlinc thej^ms taken in tłie scconda**y segment of Indian captial market ^idtO 1991.
5. (a) State whk$easons, whether the following statements arc truć or falsc . (any fiSir)
Margina! social sacriftce incrcases with an incrcase in the ~T units of taxution.
(ii) Rcd:stributivc laxation will incrcase averagc propensity to consume.
fiin Indircct taxcs are casy to cvadc.