Maximum R with Minimum $ an Economical Sub-Kilometer per Second Spectrograph

Thomas G Kayt    *. snmmm>


Modular Compilation Strategies for AspecU Constructs to Nu Intermediate Language

for mwt Ołoowtwi »#• Horn# pag* of lh« N«i yo)tc1 mt http://wwwx».iMUUWu/-fiu/

Broad Problem

Cow>Hwl (OM#nH *o« sonata .fte<    {AO) (•

Nu: Enhanced Intermediate Languagc Preseryes Modularny

•    New constructs:

bind and rvntovc

   Umguage tcmanttcs allows statK at well as dynamie deployment of aspects


■nłi;r u

Samant** ol Mnd and romovo

Problem: Compiters enplement noniocal translation for most AO constructs

ftcguirementt for compilation strategies (mi/sf hołd for boih cUmm and aspects)

•    Modular: A modules implementatlon and the specificatton of the referred modules are sufftoent to compile it

•Textualty Local: generated intermediate codę for a sourcc module *s confmcd to a single module In the object codę

•    Devck>ped compilation strategies for AspecO constructs

•    C on troi flow constructs: cfV>w A c Ho w be Iow

•    Instantiation constructs: pert his. pertarget. perć flow. percftowbclow

•    Dynamie checks: if, thłs, target. args

•    Implemcntcd thesc strategies as an extension of the AspectJ compiler

Traditional vs. Modular Compilation Example Modular Compilation Strategy for Cflow

Technical Contnbutions

•    Modular compilation strategies for eon troi rtow, instantiation, and dynaimc check constructs

•    Support for these compilation strategies m a production level compiler for AtpecU

Software Engineenng Benefits

•    Zmproved Scala bili ty of Oevek>pment Procestcs

•    eg. by »mproving Incremental compilation of AO program*

•    A f ford the improyed benefit of tępa rat lon of concerns cna bied by AOSD to la rge-scalę software Systems

•    Ot ber pot en t tal benefits:

•    Xmproved post-compilation processes e.g. debuggmg Lower cost of devcloping rohust tool support Moce opportunrties for optimliatront

AO modularny ts rnamtained m object codę

* -

Li F* I

Department of Computer Science Rakeah Setty, Robert Dyer and Hrideah Rajan |QWA STA! Ł UNIVHkSITY


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