MN RAS 4H. 3K4-.W9S |20I9| da. la l093Atura</1Mll67
Adsance Access pubticauon 20111 Jul) 31
' dr /uor« Vxrrrmdtddr Et/rmaJunt E4t07l B1da,\K. -V"'"
ISjohrrńtańo dr AnnlipKińi dr! Imi Contim (liminni t .t«umul1sł.sim/ >IM'YS/. tnrrrnidtd dr hunrmadura L-Cr&Jb Bmio,\K. S/sttn ■Drjtinontnttf dr Cimui dr Al AM(u..W. UtmnidmdJr 4-/007/ Cdmn Spoin
* E}rpor1ontmii' dr Futru, tbńrmdrd dr Etfatmulura. E-(M00 Mrrtdu 5|mk
Aacftoi 20111 Jul1: 27 Ranwl 20l1> Jine 26, m iT-.mul Im 2)lł M1t JO
A rcvi.1ion is pccsenled of lbc sunspot obscrsitions madę by Charles Malapcn from 161S lo 1626. sludyinc tcvcral documcnlary sourccs ihil itxludc łbosc obscrsation1. The rcsiscd accountinę of the ęroup number1 recorded by Malapert far that period shows ncw inlormaltan unasailabłc in ihc currerM sunspot ęroup data basc. The avcraęe solar actńity ksel cakrulaied fromthesc rcv iscd rccords of Malapert ii by almost onethud ęrcatcr than that cakrulated from his rccords includcd in the currcnt ęroup dala bose. Comparison of the sunspot obscnaticais madę by Malapert and by od)er astronomem of Ihat limę with rcęard to the number of recorded ęroup1 and sunspot positions on the solar disc shows sood aęreemcnt. Malapert rrponed thal hc only recorded one sunspot ęroup in each sunspot drawinę prcscnlcd in Auslriaca Ssdrra Hdiocydia (the documentary sourcc that inchłdes most of the sunspot rccords madę by Malapert). althouęh hc sometimes obsersed scseral ęroup1. Thercfore, the sunspot counts obtaincd in tltis ssork on Malapert's sunspot obsersations rcprcscnt the lcwcr limit of the solar activity level eorrcspooding to those rccords.
Key words: astronomical dala bases: mtsccllancous Sun: activily sunspot1.
lbc sunspot nomher ts the mdex ner.) uscd to detenhe tbe sarubtlay of tbc long-tcrm solar actrcrty lVaquen> 2IXJ7: Łlsoskm 2017). Ihis mdcs r1 cdculuKd tretu ihe suaspee rccords asjilabtc for approumately tlie last 400 yr. corrcspoadrnę to the łekscaptc era iHpyt & Schiitm 1998; Clette ct jl 21114). Sctcrał recenr studio havc deicitcd prcMems m both sotue hisioncal sunspot rccords and lbc medtoł. uscd to rcconsmut ibe sunspc1 nomber < Cle tle et al. 2014; Carrasco. Villalbo Alsarea St Vaquen> 2015). Thu1. a ncw rcsised callccoon of the number oł sunspot puups <Vaqoero et al. 2016) ani sctcral new suKpot senes (Cielic & Lclćsrc 2016; LockMood et al 2016: Scalraard & Schatlct) 2016: Csoskut et al. 2016. Chat/istcręot et al. 2017; Willamo. Usoskm & Kos akiov 20171 tuce bcen puMishcd la order to resolse limie probierni. Kecemły. MuVu -lat anullo A Vaqocro 12019) shiraed boss hard u «1 to connect the modem sam pot etsenaem a uh the tustocical dala duc u> the kiw icmporał coserage in the sunspot rccords bclonęinę to the ńrst rwo cenaenc1 of the tcicicopi. era Nowaday1. the suaspee number communin ts itukmę aa ctton 1> mapowe tbese suupot ęroup cLua bases. and u> rcu-h a wtdely accepicd scrsion of the sunspot aiuter indea.
Kcicntly. Carrasco cl li. 12019) demonstolcd that Charles Malapert sametancs recorded seseral sunspot groops as ordy one rcprcscnlanse ęroup. As a contmuauon u> that wart. mc here orulyse the sunspot obsenattons madę by Malapcn dunnę the atu quarteT of the ITth ccnlury (Malapert 1620. 1633; Siheincr 1630). Tbc main dccumcniary sotarcc m whkfc most of the sunspot obscri anons mude by Malapert are inclodcd. Ausmasa Stdera Heiaocy elia < Mai pen 1633). mas published 3 yr tłler Kosa IJrsina (Scfceiner 1630). reęardcd as one of tbc uaost Iborouęh surseys ol sunspots of dui tmic |Vaqueto St Vijcfact 2009) Morcoset. Nchemer (1630) pros aied suasfce obsenalioos madę by Malapert m 1624 and 1623 utueb are a< uicluded in dae rccctst sunspot groep daca hases llloyi A bclutiea 199K: Vaqsaeo> et al. 2016). Malapert mas. toęethet wilb Cłmsaoffi Schciner i Dunce ket 2004. 2003). Ibe roosi osinę sunspot obserser of his lamę (Vaquero et ol. 2016). Sunspot otacrvaua&s modę by Malapert are of especaai uucrcst dae toibe Iow icmporal coseraęe of the sunspot recceds io tiul period. Morcoset. aecordinę to Vaqueroct al. 120161. Malapcn was the outy obserser o® rouęhiy 60 per cent ol ibe <iays mhen he recorded obsers^ioas Fic. I shows the number of strofce ęrcaps recorded by all obsersets dunnę tbc period 1618.1626 obtaincd tnxu Vaqueto et aL 12016). One eon sec in the óęirc that. ulduuęh
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