ar    es w/fhthese




(live) (wove)from

lSa» his »fe

in Dallas a

Scotland to

b Serni-^s,i

ichangel 4 They

0f Brisbane yet?

w/t hthese

myphotos c

2    completethe dialog^

0r the futurę with will-

l'm leasing, Frank! I (*)

verbs in the present simple

(cali) you when

kate:    rmieaniy.-------    ?

M b    _ (get) there, OK?

fHAHK: Yes, Please do. What time (c)-


ttTB    i don': know. I (d)—    „ (check) my travel

Information as soon as I (e) _


3 Choose the correct alternative.

_ (find) my / 5 points 1

...! You have to cook it first.

/ 5 points|

/ 5 poin


Voca*>0,arV    h,descriptions.

3 Vi"<tfhouses connected together n)T«ethat is connected to one other

house that i:

that is notjoinedtoanother




5 house t house

6 Are the adjectives correct or not? If not, correct them.

1    jheir house wasn't just cold. It was absolutely freezing!

2    That's a very big piece of cake. In fact, it's tiny.

3    You look lovely. Absolutely dreadful.

4    | Can't drive that old car. It's really packed.

5    The room went quiet until it was totally silent.

Put these words in the correct columns.

bread butter chicken corn milk peas pie plum strawberry tuna

Match the prefixes with the meanings.

... (find out) / ?0points I

1    over-

2    mis-

3    under-

4    pre-

5    dis-

_ but not

You can't eat that Too much

* *    -—

i^jrs^tKaw-3 %£*««***,,m......

1    Ifs my best fńend's birthday tomorro w. He willhe/isbem 16.

2    She won't be here because she 'llgoAgoing to the dentist.

3    Do you th/nk that you will win/are winnino first prize?

4    We Hhayefrehgyina a nice quiet evening watching TV, OK?

5    What will you do/areyou doina this weekend?

4 Look at these notes from Jack's d/ary. Complete the sentences w/t/i the verbs in the futurę continuous or the futurę perfect.

Monday,j o'dock - leaw -fbrśchooL, <kovJ t be la te! 10-1.15- history ckciwl. Result by frwtay.

I 8y half past nine he__


2    By ten past ten he_

his history exam.

3    At half past ten he_ the answers.

By half past one he_ the exam.

By the weekend he

his result.








~ - -J

/ 5 pointĄ

8 Complete the sentences with these words. junk healthy raw spicy vegetarian

1    He makes lovely Indian food that is too hot.

2    Sara IS -    ---so she doesn't eat meat or fish.

--food isn't good for your health.

Do you think it costs morę to have a    djet?


a not enough b too much c before d the opposite e incorrect



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