Certficate HU06/1849

Tha manajomonl tytlom ot


Elektronika Laboratoryjna Andrzej Łobzowski Maria Łobzowska Sp. J.

ul Herbaciana 9,05-816 Reguły. Poland

has taan asaassad aro cert fled os meoSng tho rcp.ircmcnB ci

ISO 9001:2015

For tłie fblbarrg actMUes

Designlng and production of moasurement Instruments and software.

Valldation of computerized systems.

This certificate Is valld from 4 April 2018 until 3 April 2021 and remains valid subject to satisfactory surveillance audrts Re certification audit due before 28 February 2021 Issue 6. Certified sińce 4 April 2006


SGS Undsd Km gocm Ltd Rosaircre Buihess Pa* Eteamcre Perl Chmhta CH65 3EN UK t *44 (0|151350-6566 f *44|0)151 350-68CO w m«TD

HC SGS 90012015 0118





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