Bill Miles. "I felt that I'd gone about as far as a technician could without a degree. 1 just couldn’t hurdle that education barrier. Now, thanks to IBM, I have a solid electronics education. I’m a Group Manager on the SAGĘ project, responsible for 20 field engineers. My futurę looks brighter than it ever did. I don’t know of another company where a technician can go farther or receive morę recognition. without a degree. than at IBM.”

UTILIZING HIS naval TRAINING. Bill Miles spent three years as a Naval Aviation Radar Technician. After discharge from service. he worked as a TV serviceman. at the same time pursuing an engineering education at night. "I knew there were good career opportunities around somewhere, but I couldn’t find them," Bill Miles says. "I investigated several big companies. They were im-accuracy, checks it against available air traffic information. and presents visual displays to assist the Air Force in identifying flying objects as friend or foe.

Upgrading technicians. “The job of IBM field engineers is to keep SAGĘ computers running.” Ite explains. "Tltis involves maintaining, testing. and cliecking Computer umts. It means anticipating trouble before »t occurs. The work turned out to be exactly what I was looking for. I had a chance to do work ordinarily done by graduate engineers . . . work usually demed to men without a degree. Of all the companies I know, IBM appears lo be one of the few which upgrades technicians to levels of engineering responsibility ... levels dictated not by your formal education but by your native talents.”


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