March 19, 1960
Jear Jr. Kalecki,
to loavpP?ore|S?r ŁIa5alanobis tells ae that you are due
l /ou oeiorc' /Odr departure, but it Stteos lt wil_ oe not possible tc do so nov.
ily eolleagues and I in the Planning Cocaraission Tn#rt ip appr-ociata the trouble you took in coain.j to
Tnd\a tor three raonths to take oart in researeh studles
in connection vith -ar Plans, and h*ve discussion .-ifu the Members oi' the Planning Coauaission ,.n important aspects of our economic a evel opinana. _he researeh \rorkers of the Planning Unit of the Indian Stati3tical Institute an.. the Perspective Planning Jivisicn of the Planning Commlss ion, w ho had the advantu£e of being cLosely associated wlth you, have derivea :nuch benefit froui your visit; this haś provided fresh stimulus to their work.
I hope this visit of yours will open new opportunities of interchangę of technicaL inforination and planning experience between our two countries.
fours sincerely,
jr. H. Kalecki.
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