
noun (person)

noun (thing) | adjective





urCn-* i. en )(ix£y£&c


o u c c ess . VCCc


Eoive f

AOUa>jXV>. ^CUX?CL -*lO'

.aAdoJIAC.. ♦ r


1 The ratę of........................rosę again as the biggest company in the

region hod to close down 2. There are now over 4 million

«■ ^ e ct W; /

.. m this country.

3 How many people does y^ir company ....£fopAO^,......... ?

4. The rtumber of    the company Has doubled in the last

/*iv* ćrnouśueoi •*n Z years    o

5 Are you in th!1^*h£ni at the moment?

6.    We need a ref erence from your farmer ...€ołptAjgc

7.    Sophisticcted statisticai analysts was .enftóatftfiL... to get the results.

8.    As he couIdnT f ind o job he was_&ntitled to .xvy<f^?Jc^/xeoA... benefr


1 I don't kr.ow how “o /adU^ this problem

2.    Ther.2 is :io eosy    .. fc "rvs problem

3.    I ve been doing Th«’s mathematical eSjfSłion for over en hour and for me ir is absolutely

4.    I have a headache. Can ycu get me a .>v^ju&£. ... aspirin? b. Bcth sir.es nre try.no to find r. peace ' i:

łH -Sr<^ę>


1.    Women have to De tougjh to ..(*&&$*<£:.... m the małe dominated world of business.

2.    She puts her ..*\CMA.... down to Kard work and good luck.

3.    Were you f^ęce^.^L in persuadmg nim Tc change his mind?

4 After harsh negotiations he .jłu.ęr«&fUjŁj. ... completed the deal. 5. Whot a waSte of time1 Tt was a totally    meeting.


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